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2003.01.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.01.06 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of January 6, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />required for construction of a 12 -foot x 16 -foot two-story addition to their home at 5478157 Way Court <br />North. On December 12, 2002, the Board of Adjustments reviewed the request and recommended <br />approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for Steve and <br />Sheri Heimerl, as recommended by the Board. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND VARIANCE (WILSEY) <br />The applicants, Andre Wilsey and Kristi Rose, are requesting approval of a lot line adjustment to move the <br />common lot line between their two parcels. Both lots are currently nonconforming due to their size and <br />width. As such, a variance is required to relocate the common property line. The lot line adjustment would <br />not change the size of either parcel, but rather, allow the applicant to reshape the lots to provide more <br />contiguous usable area on each parcel. On December 12, 2002, the Board of Adjustments considered the <br />request and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Three neighboring property owners spoke on the <br />request and voiced concerns as outlined in the staff report. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />property line adjustment and variance for Andre Wilsey and Kristi Rose, as recommended by the Board. <br />APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AUTO SALES (BERTULETI) <br />David Bertuleit requested approval of a conditional use permit for the sale of classic and late model vehicles. <br />Currently, the property owner has a conditional use permit to store and repair classic and performance <br />automobiles. The requested conditional use permit will allow the applicant to sell vehicles retail. The cars <br />offered for sale will be those that are restored on the property. As such, the requested conditional use permit <br />will not substantially change the current use of the property. On December 12, 2002, the Planning <br />Commission considered the conditional use permit and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2003-1 and approved the conditional use permit for <br />David Bertuleit, as recommended by the Planning Commission. <br />APPOINTMENT OF CITY PLANNER <br />Kendra Lindahl from Landform has worked over the past year as the City Planner as directed by CD <br />Director John Rask. Her primary focus has been on large plats submitted by developers, where her focus <br />has been to review, advise, and recommend changes on plats, as weU as to attend Planning Commission <br />and City Council meetings, where needed. She has proven to be a very dedicated, hard worker and <br />valued member of the City Hall team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed Kendra Lindahl as <br />the City Planner/Planning Consultant for the year 2003. <br />APPOINTMENT OF WATER RESOURCE ENGINEER <br />Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring and the engineering firm of WSB have served the City well <br />over the past year. <br />APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder and the law firm of Eckberg, Lammers, Wolff and Vierling have served the <br />City well over the past year. <br />
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