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2003.02.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.02.03 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of February 3, 2003 <br />Page 5 <br />Industrial Park 4d' Addition. Both Lots 3 and 4 contained the standard six-foot wide side yard easements <br />along the common lot line. As a condition of approval, the applicant granted new easements along the <br />adjusted lot line; however; the original easements were never vacated. As such, the applicant now wishes to <br />vacate the drainage and utility easements. Mayor Miron opened the public hearing to take public comment <br />on the proposed vacation of a drainage and utility easement on the Jackson property in the BEIP. Tom <br />Jackson addressed the Council requesting their vote of approval. Mayor Miron closed the public hearing <br />with no further Council comment. <br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to ampprove the vacation of the drainagetutility easements along the <br />common lot line of Lots 3 and 4, BEIP 4 Addition. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NO MNDOT FUNDING FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS A TH61 AND 130M/147m STREETS <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell received notification from MnDOT officials that the projects submitted by <br />the City for funding in 2003 were unsuccessful in the securing of MnDOT funds. City Council <br />discussed this information and directed staff to continue to make applications for funding traffic signal <br />improvements to those. intersections in the fall. <br />DISCUSSION OF PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM <br />Over the past several months, City Engineer Dave Mitchell and Public Works Director Chris Petree <br />worked on the City's pavement management program. As Council is aware, the City's Capital <br />Improvements Program (CIP) includes provisions for the pavement management program but does not <br />recommend a source of funding. Engineer Mitchell reviewed with Council the proposed options for <br />repair of road that are most in need of repair. The Council discussed the magnitude of the project <br />relative to the financial burden to the City and felt that it would be prudent to schedule a workshop to <br />determine how this project could be implemented. Public Works Director Chris Petree was directed to <br />provide costs for patching old roads in the City for the workshop, as well as providing a list of what <br />roads are still covered by developer's escrows. Chris then updated the Council of his department's first <br />"official" snow plow activities. The City's two snowplows broke down, so plowing hours were lost due <br />to needed repairs; however, the job was completed. <br />SCHEDULE BOARD -OF EQUALIZATION FOR MAY 1. 2003 <br />At its December 5, 2002 meeting, Council directed staff to investigate and determine an evening meeting <br />for the City's annual Board of Equalization. City staff, subsequent to that time, investigated the <br />availability of dates and times and found that the date of May 1, 2003 at 10:00 am was still the best <br />opportunity for the City Council to hear concerns from residents regarding market valuations.. City <br />Assessor Frank Langer has assured the Council that in no way does this daytime meeting disallow <br />residents the opportunity to be heard and for the Council the opportunity to direct an immediate daytime <br />inspection of certain properties, including an inspection of the home, which this allows. <br />Miran made motion, Petryk seconded, affirming the suggested May 1, 2003 Board meeting at 10:00am. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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