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2003.06.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.06.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of June 16, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR DEPUTY CLERK (RENEE' CUNNINGHAM) <br />Renee' Cunningham was hired by the City as the new deputy clerk on April 1, 2002. Over the past year, <br />Renee' has worked in her position to deliver a high quality of service in the processing of building <br />permits, scheduling of building inspections, a wide variety of receptionist duties, and organizer of the <br />City's address files. Renee's pleasant personality is matched by her cheerful smile, which are important <br />in her service as a front line employee for all citizens and contractors. Renee' is a trusted and valued <br />member of the City Hall team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the performance review for <br />Renee' Cunningham. <br />APPROVE REFUSE HAULER LICENSE FOR FOREST LAKE SANITATION <br />Due to the buyout of Hugo Sanitation by Ace Solid Waste, a refuse haulers license has become available <br />in the City. Forest Lake Sanitation made application to the City for that seventh and final license. Staff <br />received a completed application, payment of fee, and certificate of insurance. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved issuance of a refuse hauler license for Forest Lake Sanitation. <br />ACCEPT DONATION FROM DEAD BROKE SADDLE CLUB FOR HUGO ELEMENTARY <br />SCHOOL <br />At its April 9, 2003 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended that the City of Hugo <br />make a donation request to the Dead Broke Saddle Club for restoration of the Hugo Elementary School <br />ballfield. At its April 21, 2003 meeting, the Hugo City Council agreed with the recommendation and <br />directed staff to solicit the donation on behalf of the City. Dead Broke Saddle Club has made a $2,000 <br />donation to the City for its share of the Joint Powers Agreement project with ISD #624. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda accepted the $2,000 donation and publicly thanked the club for its kind public gesture. <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF PAYMENTS FROM BEIP BUSINESS OWNERS <br />At its June 13, 2003 workshop, the Council discussed the tax increment financing shortfalls with the <br />business owners in the BEIP. City Administrator Michael Ericson stated that business owners have <br />agreed to pay their shortfalls for 2002. City Attorney Dave Snyder will draft an agreement for <br />presentation to Council for approval at a later date. No formal Council action was required. <br />AWARD OF BID FOR PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />At its May 19, 2003 meeting, the Council directed City Engineer Dave Mitchell to advertise for bids to <br />complete the Peloquin Industrial Park P.I. Project. On Thursday, June 12, 2003, Dave received four bids <br />on the project, with the apparent low bidder being Northdale Construction in the amount of $733,891.91. <br />However, the low bidder did not provide a tabulation of subcontractors and suppliers or a list of project <br />references. City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended that the City Council reject all bids and <br />readvertise for new bids for the project. Tom Wibelski, representing Northdale Construction, addressed <br />the Council stating why he felt his company could perform and asked that the bid be awarded. In light of <br />the history of this project, Council felt that all bids should be rejected and the City advertise for rebid of <br />the project. <br />
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