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City Council meeting of June 16, 2003 <br />Page 8 <br />165f STREET/ELMCREST AVENUE DRAINAGE PROBLEM (POOLER/ERICKSON) <br />City staff received a request from Leroy Pooler of 16275 Elmcrest Avenue to repair a private drainage <br />ditch located on the northeast comer of his property. The ditch travels to the north and empties into <br />Hardwood Creek. Public Works Director Chris Petree and Water Resource Engineer provided a history <br />of the drainage problem in the area. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to facilitate efforts to get neighbors along the ditch <br />together to resolve the drainage problem. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR SKID STEER AND TRAILER REPLACEMENT <br />On Monday, June 9, 2003, the City's Bobcat skid steer and trailer were stolen from the City's compost <br />site. The Washington County Sheriffs Department was immediately notified and a report filed with the <br />City's insurance agent. Since it takes 30 days for a replacement check to be sent, staff would like to <br />proceed with securing a new skid steer with a different model to better serve the public works <br />department needs. At its June 11, 2003 meeting, the PW Facility Building Committee agreed to <br />recommend approval of this to the City Council. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the replacement purchase of a 2003 S250 Bobcat <br />Loader and 2003 Felling FT12ES trailer, in the amount of $28,495.12. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO CITY ORDINANCE FOR FALSE ALARMS <br />Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton requested that Council consider a change to the City's current ordinance <br />to allow an increase in the fine to business owners should repeated false alarms occur. The 2003.fee <br />schedule is consistent with surrounding communities. City staff recommended Council consider <br />adoption of the amendment to the ordinance increasing the fees for false alarms. The Council and Fire <br />Chief Compton discussed the draft ordinance and recommended changes be made to the ordinance. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter to allow for revisions to the proposed <br />ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RECOMMENDATION TO LIFT HIRING FREEZE FOR HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Upon the retirement of one firefighter and another on requested leave of absence, Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton requested that Council lift the hiring freeze to allow for the hiring of two or four new <br />firefighters immediately. An even number is requested as the new members are "teamed". The Fire <br />Chief worked with Finance Director Ron Otkin to satisfactorily resolve the fully funding of these <br />positions. <br />