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City Council meeting of July 7, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />White Bear Electric requested site plan approval to construct a 8,100 square foot office and warehouse <br />facility Lot 2, Block 1, BEIP 5'" Addition. On June 26, 2003, the Planning Commission reviewed the <br />site plan and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the site plan and purchase agreement with White Bear Electric. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR J. OLSON TOOL IN BEIP 5m <br />ADDITION <br />J. Olson Tool requested site plan approval to construct a 6,400 square foot office and manufacturing <br />facility Lot 5, Block 1, BEIP 5* Addition. On June 26, 2003, the Planning Commission reviewed the <br />site plan and recommended approval by a unanimous vote. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the site plan and purchase agreement with J. Olson Tool. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR DECK (CARLSON) <br />Mike and Colleen Carlson at 15905 Finley Avenue requested approval of an encroachment agreement to <br />allow their deck to encroach six feet into a drainage and utility easement. Staff reviewed the request and <br />found that the deck would not encroach or have any adverse impact on the adjacent wetland. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the encroachment agreement for Mike and Colleen Carlson at 15905 <br />Finley Avenue. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR DECK (PLEAD) <br />Don Pleau of 15690 Foxhill Avenue requested approval for a variance to construct a deck 24 feet from <br />the property line where 30 feet is required by ordinance. On June 12, 2003, the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments reviewed the variance request and recommended approval. Other than the applicant, there <br />was no one in attendance who wished to speak on the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the deck variance for Don Pleau at 15690 Foxhill Avenue. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR OVERSIZED GARAGE (AL PARENT CONSTRUCTION <br />Al Parent Construction requested approval to construct an oversized attached garage to the home being <br />constructed for Joe and Lori Krawczyk at 12795 Greystone Avenue North. On June 12, 2003, the Board <br />of Zoning Adjustments reviewed the variance request and recommended approval. Other than the <br />applicant, there was no one in attendance who wished to speak on the request. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the variance for Al Parent Construction to construct an oversized garage at 12795 <br />Greystone Avenue. <br />APPROVE FALSE ALARM ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />At its June 16, 2003 meeting, the Council discussed with Fire Chief Jim Compton a suggested <br />amendment to the fire alarm ordinance. Fire Chief Compton and City Attorney Dave Snyder revised the <br />amendment, which would adjust the callout charges for false alarms beyond the three that are allowed by <br />