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City Council meeting of August 4, 2003 <br />Page 6 <br />recommending that the Council amend the side yard setback requirements and revise it back to twenty <br />feet for accessory buildings only. This item was tabled at the Council's last meeting. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of August 18, 2003. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HUGO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (CHIEF JIM COMPTON) <br />At its January 2003 goal setting session, Council identified the completion of a City Emergency <br />Management Plan, as suggested by Fire Chief Jim Compton. Over the past several months, Jim and the <br />Fire Department have worked to prepare a draft plan that meets all the City's goals and obligations in the <br />direction of an emergency management plan in the City of Hugo. Chief Compton was present to review <br />with Council the draft plan, which has been reviewed by staff and is recommended for approval. <br />Council thanked Chief Compton for his hard work of this project and: <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt the City of Hugo's Emergency Management Plan. The <br />plan will be reviewed on an annual basis. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF CONCEPT PLAN FOR SEEVER PROPERTY ON ONEKA LAKE BLVD <br />(TERRY MILLER) <br />Oneka Lake Development Company, LLC requested an opportunity to appear before the City Council to <br />solicit informal comments on a sketch plan for a proposed development on the Joyce and Merald Seever <br />property. The property is located on the north and south side of Oneka Lake Boulevard east of Greene <br />Avenue. In order for the development to proceed, the property would need to be included in the MUSA. <br />Staff included a detailed staff report prepared by Laurie McRostie from SEH, which reflects significant <br />problems with the property. Staff recommended that Council review and discuss the sketch plan and <br />provide the applicant with informal comments. Because he owned property adjacent to the Seever <br />property, Mayor Miron removed himself from discussion and passed the gavel to acting Mayor Becky <br />Petryk and sat in the audience. CD Director John Rask provided Council with an overview of the <br />concept plan and history of the site, and Rick Harrison of Site Design Studio outlined the proposed <br />project for Council. Council member Frank Puleo felt that the plan was very creative and would be a <br />welcomed development, but he could not support the plan because it would require MUSA expansion. <br />He stated that the City established boundaries for real reasons, and was emphatic about its intent to <br />maintain the rural character of Hugo as long as possible. Acting Mayor Petryk thanked the developers <br />for their presentation, and informed them that the City would not expand the MUSA to accommodate <br />their development. <br />VACANCY ON THE BCWD BOARD OF MANAGERS <br />Mayor Fran Miron publicly announced that there is a vacancy on the BCWD Board of Managers, and <br />that any and all residents interested in serving on the Board should contact City staff in order that their <br />names be forwarded to the Board for consideration. <br />