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City Council meeting of January 22, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />acquisition of parkland within the City. Staff will be advertising in the City's Newsletter, but also <br />sought approval from the Council to advertise in the White Bear Press. The Parks Commission <br />recommended that Council approve the authorization for staff to advertise for the acquisition of <br />parkland. Council did not feel it necessary to expend funds to get this information to the public. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to prepare a press release for distribution to local <br />papers identifying the City's need for parkland. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING OF MOLITOR PROPERTY <br />At its January 7, 2002 meeting, the Council considered the rezoning of the Roy Molitor property. The <br />Council considered a Planning Commission recommendation to rezone the property to office/light <br />industrial and the motion failed on a 3 — 2 vote. The motion required a super majority or a 4/5's vote of <br />the Council. Staff placed this item on the agenda for reconsideration by the Council, and CD Director <br />John Rask presented the relative factors for the Council to understand before considering the rezoning <br />of the Molitor property. <br />Granger made motion, Miron seconded, to reconsider the rezoning of the Molitor property and direct <br />staff to schedule a public hearing to reconsider this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING OF TSCE IDA PROPERTY <br />At its January 7, 2002 meeting, the Council considered the rezoning of the Ken Tschida property. The <br />Council considered a Planning Commission recommendation to rezone the property to office/light <br />industrial and the motion failed on a 2 - 3 vote. The motion required a super majority or a 4/5's'vote of <br />the Council. Staff placed this item on the agenda for reconsideration by the Council, and CD Director <br />John Rask presented the relative factors for the Council to understand before considering the rezoning <br />of the Tschida property. <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, to reconsider the rezoning of the Tschida property and direct <br />staff to schedule a public hearing to reconsider this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Staff was directed to contact developers of the Tschida property requesting "development concepts" for <br />the zoning classifications. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REAPPOINTMENT <br />At its December 17, 2001 meeting, the Council directed staff to develop options and background <br />information regarding the reappointment of PC members when their terms expire. Since the PC <br />