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2002.03.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.03.04 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of March 4, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDINANCE (MOLITOR REZONINGI <br />At its special meeting on Monday, February 25, 2002, the Council unanimously recommended the <br />rezoning of the Roy Molitor property from multi -family to officellight industrial. Council directed staff <br />to prepare the Findings of Fact, including an ordinance that would officially rezone the property. The <br />CD Director John Rask has prepared the Findings of Fact and an ordinance that allows Council to <br />rezone the property. City staff recommends Council approve the Findings of Fact (Resolution 2002-6 <br />and the ordinance (Ordinance 2002-357) that rezones the Roy Molitor property on Fenway Boulevard <br />from multi -family to office/light industrial. <br />AUTHORIZE HUGO FD TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISE FOR NEW <br />TANKER TRUCK <br />The Council accepted the Hugo Fire Chief s recommendation to plan for the purchase of a new tanker <br />truck in 2002, and included the taker truck in its CIP. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the <br />Fire Department to prepare the specifications and advertise for the new tanker truck that would replace <br />the 1969 1500 gallon tanker truck. <br />APPROVE AMENDMENT TO HUGO FD FIREFIGHTER WARNING LIGHT POLICY <br />The Hugo FD has discussed its warning light policy over the past few months, and most recently, with <br />the City Attorney and City Administrator. The policy has been established to assure that the warning <br />light is being used in a safe and controlled manner, and for specific calls only. In order to maintain <br />uniformity in the type of light that is permitted for use, only an LED dash light or a Five -O brand <br />rotator, with a yellow filter light should be used. These lights would be the property of the Hugo FD. <br />City staff and Fire Chief Jim Compton recommended that Council amend the firefighter warning light <br />policy to include these types of lights be used by firefighters in their personal vehicles. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the amendment to the policy. <br />APPROVE DONATION FROM TANGLEWOOD CHURCH <br />Tanglewood Church has held Sunday morning church services in the Council chambers of the Hugo <br />City Hall for more than a year. In exchange for the use of the public facility, they make a donation to <br />the City occasionally to defray the operational cost for the use of the facility. Councilman Puleo <br />questioned the City accepting donations from the church. He was informed that the donation was to <br />cover certain utilities costs incurred by the City. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, that the City accept the donation from Tanglewood Church to <br />cover utility costs incurred by the City for their use of City Hall. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED PURCHASE OF BERNIN PROPERTY FOR PARK LAND <br />At its February 4, 2002 meeting, the Council made an official offer to the Bernin family to purchase <br />their 21 -acre parcel of land next to Oneka Lake for $752,000. Their attorney, Chris Johnson, was at the <br />
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