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City Council meeting of March 18, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />Grass Meadows neighborhood, and directed staff and the Washington County Sheriff's Department to <br />provide all necessary assistance, including a barricade to hold the event. <br />APPROVE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT W/RCWD FOR 50/50 COST SHARING OF XP <br />SWMM MODEL <br />At its February 19, 2002 meeting, Council directed Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring to draft <br />a letter to the RCWD requesting a 50150 cost sharing for an additional XP-SWMM model for the <br />balance of JD2 west of TH61. Pete Willenbring from WSB Engineers needs this additional modeling <br />to finalize its work on the City's storm water management plan, which has been forwarded to the <br />RCWD for final approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Cooperative Agreement with <br />the RCWD 50/50 cost sharing for the XP-SWMM model. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (ROBERT JURAN) <br />Robert Juran at 9816 122"d Street requested a variance and lot line adjustment for property located at <br />9816 and 9988 122nd Street. Robert Juran, Jr., would like to subdivide 1.86 acres from his parent's <br />property, consisting of 16.86 acres, and adding it to his 3.06 acres, to create a 4.92 acre, which would <br />require a variance from the 10 -acre minimum lot size required in the rural residential zoning district. <br />Adoption of the Consent adopted Resolution 2002-8 approving a variance and property line adjustment <br />for Robert Juran for properties located at 9816 and 9988 122nd Street. <br />REQUEST FOR PAYMENT FROM MUNICIPAL BUILDERS FOR PUMPHOUSE NO.3 <br />Municipal Builders, Inc., submitted pay request No. 8 for work completed to date on pumphouse No. 3. <br />Steve Campbell of SEH Engineers reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent for work <br />completed to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the City engineer's recommendation and <br />approved payment in the amount of $11,961.65. <br />CITY HALL RAINWATER GARDEN LANDSCAPING <br />CITY HALL LANDSCAPING <br />Bids for these projects were opened on Wednesday, March 13, 2002. At this time, there is no <br />recommendation for awarding of the bids, and City landscape architect Laurie McRostie stated that <br />more information will be provided at the regular City Council of April 1, 2002. <br />RAINWATER GARDEN PLANTINGS <br />On March 13, 2002, landscape architect Laurie McRostie from SEH opened bids for the rainwater <br />garden plantings at the new City Hall site. Three bids were received, and the lowest bidder was Natural <br />Shore Technologies, with a bid of $23,897.88. Ms. McRostie was present at the meeting to discuss this <br />project. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, that the City Hall rainwater garden plantings be awarded to the <br />low bidder Natural Shore Technologies in the amount of $23,897.88. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />