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City Council meeting of April 15, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE HIRING OF STEVE MCLEAN AS VIDEO TECHNICIAN <br />At its February 19, 2002 meeting, the City Council approved the video technician position and salary <br />range. The City received two applications for the position of video technician. This person would be <br />responsible for all video taping operations of the City Council and Planning Commission meetings. <br />The interview team consisted of City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director John Rask, and CD <br />Assistant Michele Lindau. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved hiring Steve McLean as a video <br />technician with the City at a salary range of $10-$12 per hour, with a minimum base rate of $25 per <br />meeting. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF MATT FASCHINGBAUER AS VIDEO TECHNICIAN <br />At its February 19, 2002 meeting, the City Council approved the video technician position and salary <br />range. The City received two applications for the position of video technician. This person would be <br />responsible for all video taping operations of the City Council and Planning Commission meetings. <br />The interview team consisted of City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director John Rask, and CD <br />Assistant Michele Lindau. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved hiring Matt Faschingbauer as a <br />video technician with the City at a salary range of $10412 per hour, with a minimum base rate of $25 <br />per meeting. Steve and Matt would job share this position, with only one person working at a given <br />time. <br />APPROVE REQUEST FROM BALD EAGLE SPORTSMAN ASSOCIATION (STORAGE <br />BUILDINGS) <br />The Bald Eagle Sportsman Association (BESA) made application the City to construct two storage <br />buildings on their property. The buildings would be used to house maintenance equipment, targets, and <br />miscellaneous other items. City staff reviewed the request and found it to be consistent with all <br />necessary setbacks and the conditions of the existing Conditional Use Permit. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved said application for the BESA to construct two storage buildings on their property. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR BEAVER PONDS ST" AND 6T" <br />ADDITIONS <br />CD Director John Rask received a request from residents who live in the Beaver Ponds 5'h and 6`h <br />Additions who desire to construct decks to the rear of their homes. The decks would encroach in a <br />drainage and utility easement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a "blanket" Encroachment <br />Agreement for the Beaver Ponds 5`h and 6`h Additions to allow the construction of decks in easements <br />that do not affect public access for utilities or negatively impact drainage. <br />AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SEAL COATING <br />Each year, the City advertises for bids for seal coating on street sections in the City. Public Works <br />Director Chris Petree requested authorization to advertise for bids for seal coating. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda authorized staff to advertise for bids for seal coating in the City for 2002. <br />