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2002.04.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.04.15 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of April 15, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WELL NO.4 <br />In the fall of 2001, the Council directed staff to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of <br />well No. 4. City Engineer Dave Mitchell and SEH engineers completed the plans and specs and <br />requested authorization from Council to advertise for bids. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized <br />the City Engineer to advertise for bids for the construction of well No. 4 on the public property located <br />immediately north of Flay Avenue and immediately south of the Hugo Post Office. <br />APPROVE THREE ADDITIONAL MODEL HOMES (HIDDEN HILLS SUBD) <br />On December 3, 2001, the City Council approved the final plat and development agreement for Hidden <br />Hills Preserve. Hidden Hills Preserve is a 12 -unit cluster development located east of Goodview and <br />south of 130"' Street. The development agreement for Hidden Hills Preserve allows one model home <br />prior to substantially completing the public improvements. The public improvements for this <br />development consist of the road and storm water drainage system, and do not include municipal sewer <br />or water. The City has historically allowed more than one model home within new developments. At <br />the time the development agreement was approved, the applicant had not identified builders for the <br />project. As such, they were not concerned about the number of model homes. The applicant now has <br />identified three builders that plan to construct homes in the development. The purpose of limiting the <br />number of permits prior to completing the public improvements is to insure that the necessary <br />infrastructure is in place prior to people occupying homes. This is necessary for public health and <br />safety reasons. Further, limiting the number of permits provides an incentive for the developer to <br />:,)mplete the improvements in a timely fashion. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />issuance of three model home permits for Hidden Hills Preserve with the condition that the applicant <br />construct the road base prior to the issuance of permits. This condition is necessary to insure <br />emergency vehicle access to the development. <br />APPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST (RICHARD CHAREST) <br />Richard Charest, 12770 Homestead Drive, requested approval to construct a 2,081 square foot attached <br />garage. The proposed garage would consist of a 1,276 square foot garage on the first level and a 805 foot <br />garage on the lower level. A driveway would wrap around the north end of the home to provide access to the <br />lower level garage. In addition to the variance for the garage space, the applicant is requesting variances <br />from the side lot line setbacks. The home would be 36 feet from the north lot line and 36 feet from the south <br />lot line. The ordinance requires a 40 -foot setback from the side lot lines. As such, the applicant is <br />requesting a four -foot variance from both lot lines. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution <br />2002-14 approving variances for Richard Charest, 12770 Homestead Drive. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION RELATING TO ADMINISTRATION OF JD2 <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder was directed by Council to draft a resolution relating to the administration <br />of JD2. Dave prepared a revised draft of the resolution, which has been reviewed by Council members <br />Frank Puleo and Mike Granger, who served on the JD2 Blue Ribbon Task Force. Although the City of <br />Hugo terminated its involvement in the JD2 lawsuit, it will continue to work with all governmental and <br />regulatory agencies pursuing a resolution to all matters affecting JD2. Council member Haas requested <br />clarification of certain conditions of the proposed resolution. <br />
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