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City Council meeting of May 20, 2002 <br />Page 5 <br />OAKSHORE PARK PURCHASE PROPOSAL <br />At its April 1, 2002 meeting, the Council directed staff to send a letter to the Oakshore Park Association <br />President indicating the City's interest in purchasing their 10 -acre park, but requesting the Association <br />suggest a selling price to the City. Staff sent the letter and received a telephone call from Chuck <br />Svendsen, who requested an opportunity to meet with City staff regarding the park. On April 19, 2002, <br />CD Director John Rask and City Administrator Mike Ericson, and City Assessor Frank Langer met with <br />newly elected Oakshore Park Association President Ken Straus and Chuck Svendsen to discuss the <br />valuation of the 10 -acre parcel, which are officially two 5 -acre parcels. Mr. Straus stated that the <br />association is not interested in getting an appraisal on the property. Both he and Chuck agreed to accept <br />some suggestions from staff as to how the valuation of the property would be developed. Mr. Straus <br />contacted the City Administrator a few weeks ago and indicated that the executive committee had agreed <br />to set a sale price of $520,000 for the property. That valuation takes into account recent land sales, but <br />most importantly, it suggests a sale price that he feels the association would accept based on its strong <br />desire to have the land remain a park. This issue has been placed on the agenda by staff for discussion by <br />Council as to how Council would like to proceed since the City's parkland dedication fund would see a <br />significant reduction of approximately $450,000 for the remainder of the purchase price of $752,000 for <br />the Bennin property minus the $305,000 DNR grant. Council should also consider the opportunity for <br />locating a park site on the Len Pratt property, formerly the McCollar property, which is near the <br />subdivision. In that instance, Council has the option of acquiring parkland during the subdivision <br />process. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, directing staff to begin the process to purchase the Oakshore Park <br />property. Mayor Miron and Council member Haas agreed to participate in the purchase discussions. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />BECAUSE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST ABSTAINING: Granger and Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />BEAVER PONDS/128TH STREET DRAINAGE EASEMENT <br />Staff has had continued discussions with the four residents located on 128' Street, who seek a correction <br />to their drainage/utility easement in their rear yards in the Beaver Ponds subdivision. This issue <br />appeared before Council last fall and staff has met numerous times with the property owners, and to <br />date, they have not collectively agreed as to how they would like to proceed. One property owner <br />contacted Mayor Fran Miron and suggested that this issue be discussed once again by Council because of <br />continuing erosion and drainage problems. Staff provided additional information at the meeting, <br />including visuals of the area. A lengthy discussion continued with neighbors expressing their <br />interest/objections to have a 24" pipe installed. Mayor Miron suggested property owners obtain an <br />engineering opinion as to whether the pipe would raise the level of the pond to negatively impact the <br />Weiss property. City Attorney Snyder restated his opinion that unless all property owners agreed to the <br />project, no pipe should be installed because of liability. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to table this issue until the regular Council meeting of June 17, <br />2002 to allow property owners to obtain engineering report on the pond. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />