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City Council meeting of May 20, 2002 <br />Page 6 <br />PROPOSED PURCHASE OF HOUSE AT 5616147TH STREET <br />The owner of the house located at 5616 147th Street, immediately across the street from Subway, <br />contacted City staff about selling his home to the City. This property has significance to the City in two <br />ways. At some time in the immediate future, additional right-of-way will be needed on 147h Street to <br />align the two roads when a new street signalization system is installed. Secondly, 147' Street has been <br />identified by the engineering consulting firm of TKDA, as one of four potential realignment connections <br />for CSAH8 to TH61. Staff met with City Assessor Frank Langer on this issue, and he is confident that a <br />satisfactory purchase price could be established. If purchased, the City could continue to use it for rental <br />purposes. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, directing staff to draft a purchase proposal for Council review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY OF HUGO ISO RATING AND NON -HYDRANT AREAS OF THE CITY <br />Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton has been contacted by Hugo residents and local insurance companies as <br />to the ISO (Insurance Service Office) for insurance rates in non -hydrants areas in the City. Some <br />homeowners in the outlying areas of Hugo have experienced a 96% increase in their homeowner's <br />insurance policy. Insurance companies have informed the fire chief that Hugo is not on the alternate <br />water supply list (AWS), and that the last time the Hugo FD did do a test was in 1989. Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton and Assistant Chief Jadon 011ila were present to discuss this issue with the Council. Staff has <br />had opportunity to discuss this issue with the fire department and agrees that it is a policy issue for <br />Council because it would involve a significant amount of fire department staff time and cost to the <br />City. Because it was unclear what percentage of insurance companies were increasing the premiums: <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter to allow staff time to obtain additional <br />information from insurance agencies. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MET COUNCIL LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT GRANTS <br />City staff received information from Met Council for a Livable Communities Development Grant. The <br />application deadline has been extended io July 15, 2002. City staff discussed this opportunity, and to <br />date was unable to suggest a project for Council to consider. CD Director John Rask offered options for <br />consideration by Council. The Council took no formal action. <br />CLINTON COP GRANT (COMMANDER DON MCGLOTHLIN) <br />Commander Don McGlothlin discussed with Council an opportunity for a Clinton Cop Grant to fund an <br />additional deputy sheriff for 2003. Commander McGlothlin stated that the federal grant was for a 3 -year <br />period, with a cost to the City as follows: 2003- $27,098.33; 2004 - $41,132.30; and 2005 - $61,046.31. <br />It was the overall consensus of the City Council that the City was in need of the additional officer. <br />