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2002.07.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.07.01 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of July 1, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT (JOHN <br />RAS <br />John Rask was hired by the City on July 10, 2000, and over the past two years, has been instrumental in <br />creation of the City's first-ever community development department. He established himself as a leader <br />in the creation of the community development assistant position, and took responsibility for overseeing <br />the building official and his department. The City has received a great deal of public praise for John's <br />performance as a professional. He has helped guide the City through numerous development <br />applications, complete revision of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and professional work ethic in the <br />development of staff reports. John's professionalism, hard work, and dedication has helped Hugo <br />emerge as one of the shining examples for the Metropolitan Council, and a City who has taken <br />ownership in the planning of its future. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for John Rask and salary adjustment to Pay Grade 9, Step 5 of the City's 2002 <br />salary matrix. <br />APPROVE PLANS AND SPECS FOR 140TH STREET/TH61 SIGNALIZATION AND <br />ADVERTISE FOR BIDS <br />At its May 6, 2002 meeting, the Council discussed the funding proposal for the TH61 / 140'h Street <br />signalization project. Council approved the Professional Services Agreement with SEH and directed the <br />City Engineer to proceed with the project. Council directed staff to prepare plans and specifications for <br />the project and they are now brought to Council for approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the plans and specifications for the 140'h Street/TH61 signalization project and authorize staff <br />to advertise for bids. <br />APPROVE PROMOTION OF PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTERS TO FULL-TIME STATUS <br />Upon the recommendation from Fire Chief Jim Compton, and after completing FF 1 training and serving <br />a one-year probationary period, Russ Frantum, Jim Compton, Jr., Scott Peterson, and Pat Dunn are <br />hereby recommended for promotion to regular full-time status with the Hugo Fire Dept. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the promotion of these four firefighters. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM MARK TRAUT WELLS FOR WORK ON WELL # 4 <br />Mark Traut Wells, Inc., submitted pay request No. 2 for work completed to date on well No. 4. Steve <br />Campbell of SEH and staff reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent with work completed <br />to date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized payment in the amount of $30,813.25. <br />AUTHORIZE HIRING OF TWO FULL-TIME PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEES <br />On May 6, 2002, Council authorized staff to advertise for the hiring of two new full-time public works <br />employees. The City received 158 applications for the positions, and after ranking, interviewed the top <br />20 candidates. The first interview list was pared down to seven candidates, who were then interviewed <br />for a second time by the interview team consisting of City Administrator Mike Ericson, Public Works <br />Director Chris Petree, and Public Works worker Tom Smith. The interview team concurred that the City <br />received a number of excellent applicants, who were well qualified for the position making the selection <br />
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