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City Council meeting of October 21, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve 2002-2003 Trail Application for Hugo Snowmobile Club <br />Approve Municipal Agreement with MnDOT for Traffic Signal at TH61 and 14& Street <br />Approve Variance Request for Satnik Accessory Building <br />Approve Variance Request for Aschenbrener Accessory Building <br />Approve Preliminary Plat and Development on 12P Street (Michael Massie) <br />Approve Pay Request No. 11 for Work Completed on Water Tower #3 (Landmark Structures) <br />Approve Pay Request No. 4 for Work Completed on Well No. 4 (Maguey Construction) <br />Approve Extension of Substantial Completion Deadline for Hidden Hills Preserve Public Impr. <br />Approve Plans and Specifications Award for JD2 <br />Approve Acquisition of Easements for West Oneka Lake Study Area <br />Approve HFD Washington County Mutual Aid Agreement <br />Adopt Resolution Scheduling Board of Canvass for November 6, 2002 <br />Approve Extension of Probationary Period for Building Inspector (Gary Schwartz) <br />Approve Purchase of Easements with the BN/SF Railroad for Traffic Signal at TH61 and 140x' Street <br />Approve Final Pay Request for Worked Completed on the City Hall Landscaping (Southview Design) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster as presented. <br />APPROVE 2002-2003 TRAIL APPLICATION FOR HUGO SNOWMOBILE CLUB <br />Each year, the Hugo Snowmobile Club submits an application to the City to establish four snowmobile <br />trails in the City. The club does an excellent job in preparing and grooming the trails, as well as <br />handling all complaints the City receives. John Udstuen, a representative from the club, submitted a <br />certificate of liability insurance policy in the amount of $1 million with the City ofHugo named as an <br />additional insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the application for four snowmobile trails <br />within the City that are to be maintained by the Hugo Snowmobile Club. <br />APPROVE MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT WITH MNDOT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT TH61 <br />AND 146m STREET <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell has worked with MnDOT officials to complete the necessary traffic design <br />for the traffic signalization authorized by the Council this past summer. City Attorney Dave Snyder <br />finalized the changes to the agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Municipal <br />Agreement with MnDOT for a traffic signal at TH61 and 14& Street. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR SATN K ACCESSORY BUILDING <br />Francis Satnik made application for a variance to allow an accessory building with an exterior finish that <br />is inconsistent with the exterior finish of the home. The property is located at 12310 Janero Avenue. <br />The Board of Zoning Adjustments reviewed the request on October 10, 2002 and recommended <br />approval. The Board found that while the exterior materials are different, the applicant is using similar <br />colors. Further, the Board found that the building would be screened from neighboring properties by <br />existing mature trees. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance request of Francis Satnik. <br />