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City Council meeting of November 18, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #12 FROM LANDMARK STRUCTURES FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED ON WATER TOWER #3 <br />Landmark Structures made application to the City for approval of pay request # 12 for work completed to <br />date on water tower #3. Project manager Steve Campbell from SEH Engineers reviewed the pay request <br />and found it to be consistent with work completed to date on the project. Council member Puleo <br />questioned when the tower would be serviceable and City Engineer Dave Mitchell reported on the status <br />of the project. He stated that the paint has now finally cured due to cold weather and the tower should be <br />in operation the week of November 25, 2002. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to approve payment to Landmark Structures in the amount of <br />$60,629. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AWARD OF BID FOR CITY AUDIT SERVICES <br />At its October 7, 2002 meeting, the Council directed staff to solicit proposals to provide audit services <br />for the City in the year 2003. Council agreed that the current auditing firm of Larson Allen provided an <br />excellent level of service, and this effort was in no way critical of their professional services. Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin solicited proposals from seven firms and the City received six. Upon a <br />recommendation from the Finance Director: <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, awarding the annual audit for 2003 to the firm of Smith, <br />Schafer & Associates in the amount of $8,375. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GOODVIEW AVENUE NORTH OF CSAH 8 <br />Over the past several months, City staff has had discussions with developers regarding property <br />immediately adjacent to, and in the general area of Goodview Avenue, directly north of CSAR 8. <br />Property owners desire to develop this land, but have a significant problem with the road, which is in <br />very poor condition. CD Director John Rask shared with Council the developers' interest in <br />participating in reconstructing Goodview Avenue. Before the City or property owners can generate a <br />cost estimate, soil borings will be required along with preliminary engineering work. This engineering <br />work would not be a feasibility study, but more of an analysis of soils conditions to determine the extent <br />of a complete reconstruction. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, directing the City Engineer to perform preliminary engineering <br />work and develop a rough cost estimate for Goodview Avenue, in an amount not to exceed $5,000. The <br />developer shall complete soil borings of the roadway in accordance with, and under direction of, the City <br />Engineer. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />