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City Council meeting of November 18, 2002 <br />Page 5 <br />PEDDLER'S ORDINANCE <br />At its November 4, 2002 meeting, the Council discussed the rationale and the need for a <br />peddler's/transient merchant ordinance. There was support from Council for drafting a peddler's <br />ordinance based upon the three samples that were submitted by staff, and a draft ordinance was <br />submitted to Council for their review. After Council discussion regarding the pros/cons of the draft <br />ordinance: <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to work with Council members Mike Granger and <br />Frank Puleo to draft revisions to the ordinance for Council review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO INCREASE NUMBER OF WASTE HAULER LICENSES FROM 7 TO 8 <br />In accordance with current City code, the City has issued seven waste hauler licenses for haulers to <br />operate businesses in the City. BFI, a nationally recognized waste hauler, submitted a letter of request to <br />acquire an additional waste hauler license to do business in the Victor Gardens subdivision. The <br />developer informed staff that they will be allowing only one hauler to reduce the amount of refuse hauler <br />truck traffic, which would allow for a smoother and quieter level of service in the neighborhood. After <br />Council discussion: <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to deny the request of BFI to increase the number of waste hauler <br />licenses in the City based on safety concerns and additional traffic on City streets. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OCTOBER 29.2002 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING (AMERICAN LEGION POST 6201 <br />Staff held a neighborhood meeting on October 29, 2002 to allow resident input on the future use of the <br />American Legion property located at 5720147' Street. Council members Granger, Puleo, and Petryk <br />attended the meeting. Staff provided an overview of the suggested uses for the property and, after <br />discussion, Council determined that zoning of the Legion property not be changed. No Council action <br />was required. Staff will keep Council informed on the issue. <br />CARL NORDOUIST'S. HOUSE (a, 14701 FOREST BLVD OFFERED TO CITY <br />Carl and Gayle Nordquist approached the City to sell their house located at 14701 Forest Boulevard <br />North, and staff met with Carl last week to discuss the matter. The Nordquists have purchased a home <br />in Webster, Wisconsin and are going to relocate themselves and their belongings. Consistent with past <br />practice, City staff met with City Assessor Frank Langer and Building Official John Benson to review <br />the fair market value for the property. Additionally, consistent with past practice, City staff inspected <br />the property to determine the condition in order to rent out the house. Currently, Carl rents an upper <br />level bedroom out to a single individual and has encouraged the City to do the same. Council questioned <br />the funding source to purchase the property and expressed budget concerns. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to negotiate a Purchase Agreement with the <br />