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2002.11.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2002 CC Minutes
2002.11.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 18, 2002 <br />Page 6 <br />Nordquists and submit to Council for further discussion. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DNR GRANT PROGRAMS FOR 2003 <br />Annually, the DNR submits 2003 grant applications to cities to allow them the opportunity to participate <br />in the DNR grant program, which is broken down into five different categories: 1) local grants program; <br />2) trail grant program; 3) cooperative water recreation program; 4) conservation and environmental <br />program; and 5) the Minnesota relief grant program. City staff will attend a workshop on December 10, <br />2002 to further discuss these grants. No formal Council was required at this time. <br />WATER AND SEWER RESPONSIBILITY ORDINANCE <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree has been working with City Attorney Dave Snyder to draft a revision <br />to the City's sewer and water ordinance whereby the specific responsibilities of property owners is <br />spelled out as to water main and sewer main breaks. The City's current ordinance is not specific as to <br />who is responsible should a water service break or a sanitary sewer line going up to a home break. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of December 2, <br />2002. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TRUCK SPEED COMPLAINT ON EGG LAKE ROAD (JOHN BAIRD) <br />John Baird purchased a home located at 5920 Egg Lake Road within the last year. Mr. Baird has <br />complained to the Mayor and City Engineer regarding truck traffic on CSAH 8 aka Egg Lake Road. His <br />concern is that there have been vibrations caused by heavy truck traffic, which may have caused <br />structural damage on his property. City staff reacted quickly when informed of the issue by Mayor <br />Miron, and immediately dispatched Washington County sheriff deputies to not only complete a truck <br />traffic reading, but also to do a speed study, and also to speak with Mr. Baird. Since this issue deals with <br />a county road, City staff informed County Engineer Don Theisen, who will be responding by letter to <br />Mr. Baird. At this point, the City has done its job in responding quickly to the concerns of Mr. Baird <br />and to report this issue to the WCSO and engineering department. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to send a letter to Mr. Baird stating that the City <br />concurs with statements made by Washington County Engineer Don Theisen regarding Mr. Baird's <br />concerns. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />USE OF OLD SCHOOL HOUSE <br />Shari Gensch, new leader of the Hugo Horseshoe 4H Club, and co -leader Colia Ceisel, have requested <br />permission to use the old school house located on TH61 and 170'h Street for their meetings. 4H is a fun, <br />
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