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City Council meeting of April 16, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />JD2 TASK FORCE <br />Council member Petryk questioned whether the public could attend meeting <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that the public could attend the meetings, <br />the discussion; the smaller the group, the more productive will be the discus <br />MEETINGS <br />At its April 3, 2001 workshop, the Council discussed current City code reg <br />Council meetings. Council shared the fact that the meetings were constantl <br />adjournment time. Members desire an earlier adjournment time with more <br />explanations, and by being a better time manager on a variety of agenda iter <br />Snyder prepared two options for consideration by the Council, if it desires t <br />Option 1 would allow the adjournment of the meetings at 10:00 pm. This c <br />adjournment time from 11:00 pm to 10:00 pm. No additional change. Opti <br />Council the discretion of adjourning the meeting by 10:00 pm, or upon a ur <br />members present, adjournment of the meeting at some time after 10:00 pm, <br />Staff requests direction from Council on this issue with a desire for any fon <br />the Council. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2001-352, AN <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 20 BY CHANGING THE ADJOURNMENT TIN <br />MEETINGS FROM 11:00 PM TO 10:00 PM. <br />VOTING AYE: Grange, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />INFILTRATION DEMONSTRATION SITE FOR NEW CITY HALL <br />In March 2001, the RCWD considered the site for the new City Hall as a I <br />demonstration site and alternative storm water management plan. RCWD <br />be an excellent opportunity for an infiltration demonstration site, and awai <br />$4,500 for the design and engineering to the RCWD's staff engineer Emm <br />complete the engineering plans for the project. Brett Emmons and Jason I <br />for the infiltration and rain garden project for the new City Hall. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, approving the overall City Hall site pl, <br />infiltration demonstration site offered the RCWD, and direct staff to work v <br />finalize the plans, with assistance from Council member Puleo, who has off <br />to design a formalized landscaping plan. The Council also authorized staff, <br />to both the RCWD and Met Council to fund this work. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />of the JD2 task force. <br />iut could not participate in <br />sting the adjournment of <br />running to the 11:00 pm <br />' a focus on brief <br />s. City Attorney Dave <br />amend current City code. <br />tion would simply move the <br />a 2 would allow the <br />iimous vote of the Council <br />ut no later than 11:00 pm. <br />d action as considered by <br />FOR CITY COUNCIL <br />itial infiltration <br />lagers agreed that it would <br />a not to exceed amount of <br />and Associates to <br />r presented a concept plan <br />and concept for an <br />h the engineering firm to <br />A his professional services <br />submit a grant application <br />