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City Council meeting of October 1, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />MARC HUGUNIN (MET COUNCIL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE) <br />Marc Hugunin from the Metropolitan Council appeared before the Council to discuss relevant current <br />issues, including a desire for his support for the City's Metropolitan Council rainwater garden grant. He <br />discussed the following: transit funding shift from property taxes to motor vehicle excise tax; rural land; <br />and rain water garden grant application. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Authorization to Accept Bids for Cabling & Telephone System for New City Hall <br />Approval of Encroachment Agreement (Finnegan) <br />Approval of Pay Request from Mark Haug Construction for Work Completed on New City Hall <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims for October 1, 2001 as presented. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT BIDS FOR CABLING & TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR NEW <br />CITY HALL <br />For the past several months, City staff has met with vendors to provide the necessary cabling and <br />telephone system for the new City Hall. City staff is prepared to accept bids and review with the City <br />Hall Building Committee, and recommend to the Council the lowest responsible bidder. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda authorized staff to solicit and accept bids from vendors, since the bid totals do not <br />exceed the $50,000 amount at which the City must legally advertise and publish. <br />APPROVAL OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (FINNEGAN) <br />John Finnegan made application to the City for an Encroachment Agreement to locate a deck within a <br />drainage and utility easement on 12846 Fondant Trail in the Beaver Ponds. The deck would encroach 12 <br />R into the drainage and utility easement. The footings for the proposed porch and deck would be the <br />only part of the structure that would be placed within the easement. The deck would be approximately <br />8' over the high water elevation of the wetland, approximately 45 ft from the edge of the wetland, and <br />would comply with all applicable yard setback requirements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />an Encroachment Agreement (Resolution 2001-56) with John Finnegan and directed the City Attorney to <br />prepare the Agreement for signature by the Mayor. <br />WBL SCHOOLS FACILITIES UPDATE <br />City staff has met with representatives from the White Bear Lake School Superintendent's office to <br />discuss future joint venture opportunities with the WBL school system; specifically, construction of a <br />