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City Council meeting of October 15, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />the work has already been done by GGG Engineers. Mayor Miron requested that Hugo prepare work <br />plans for the two crossings in Hugo (165'x' Street and 157'x' Street). <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to seek proposals from WSB and SEH on <br />developing a work plan for two ditch crossings in Hugo. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SWEET GRASS MEADOWS DITCH PROJECT <br />Council member Frank Puleo asked that staff provide a brief update to Council on the status of the <br />Sweet Grass Meadows ditch project. The inspector for RCWD informed staff that the Technical <br />Evaluation Panel (TEP) did make its site inspection visit on October 4, 2001 to the Sweet Grass <br />Meadows ditch project. Staff has received the official verification report needed for the developer to <br />proceed with closure on the wetlands replacement requirement of his development. Work should <br />commence in the next week or so when a contractor is selected. No Council action was required. <br />RETENTION POND FOR PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK P.I. PROJECT <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell has been working with the Army Corps of Engineers and the RCWD to <br />obtain approval for the construction of a retention pond on the west side of TH61 for the Peloquin <br />Industrial Park project. The Army Corps of Engineers has been reluctant to provide permission to <br />the City and is seeking a significant amount of mitigation and related costs, which have a finite <br />financial impact on the project. The RCWD has already given its approval for the construction of <br />the pond. Mr. Mitchell provided an update to Council on his work to date to secure approval from <br />the ALOE. No Council action was required. <br />CITY FEE SCHEDULE RATE PROPOSAL (CM <br />Earlier this year, the Council directed staff to review the City's fee schedule and prepare a <br />recommendation for adjustments in year 2002. Council requested a thorough of the utility rates and <br />utility -related fees, and staff has received a proposal from Computer Integrated Technologies (CIT) <br />to do this rate study work. CIT's proposal would include a review and recommended adjustment of <br />all City fees, including the utility rate fees. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to accept the proposal from CIT to prepare the City's utility <br />rate study and fee schedule for a lump -sum -amount not to exceed $3,300. This fee would be paid for <br />by the City's utility funds and a grant from the Met Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SEWER PLAN UPDATE <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell provided for Council approval the engineering work completed to date <br />on the City's sewer plan. As Council is aware, this plan update is a requirement of the Met Council <br />through the City's Comprehensive Plan approval process. The update provides projected sewer <br />flows for the City, as well as a sewer -staging plan that identifies the sanitary sewer districts in the <br />City. <br />