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City Council meeting of December 3, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />AUDIONISUAL EQUIPMENT FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />Over the past several months, staff has worked with several consultants to design the audio/visual <br />equipment installation for the Council chambers in the new City Hall. On Monday, October 29, 2001, <br />11:00 am, staff opened three bids for the delivery and installation of the audio/visual equipment for the <br />Council chambers in the new City Hall, with the low bidder being Connectivity Solutions in the amount <br />of $97,728.70. <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, to award the audio/visual equipment installation for the new <br />City Hall Council chambers to the low bidder, Connectivity Solutions from Maple Grove, in the amount <br />of $97,728.70. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WELL NO.4 <br />Council authorized staff to advertise for bids for construction of well No. 4 in the City. The City <br />received three bids for the construction of the well. City Engineer Dave Mitchell recommended <br />Council award the bid to Mark Traut Well Drilling, in the low bid amount of $97,395. As Council is <br />aware, Mark Traut Well Drilling, Inc., constructed well No. 3, and staff finds that all work to be <br />satisfactory and in accordance with engineering standards. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to award bid for construction of well No. 4 to the low bidder, <br />Mark Traut Well Drilling, Inc., in the amount of $97,395.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINTMENT OF NEW FIRE CHIEF <br />At its November 19, 2001 meeting, the Council agreed to interview the top two candidates for the new <br />Hugo Fire Chief. At its specially called meeting at 6:00 pm, on December 3, 2001, Council interviewed <br />Jadon 011ila and Jim Compton. The Mayor and City Council announced that Jim Compton, Sr., was <br />the top-ranked candidate for the position of Hugo Fire Chief and is hereby appointed as the new Hugo <br />Fire Chief. <br />2002 CITY BUDGET <br />At its November 19, 2001 meeting, the City Council directed staff to prepare a 2002 City budget, which <br />would be reduced from the proposed 1.65% increase originally submitted to the Council in September <br />2001. Finance Director Ron Otkin prepared a reduced City budget that sets out the Council directive <br />for a 0% City budget over the Council's 2001 Council budget. City staff recommended Council <br />approve the drafted resolution thereby setting the City's budget for 2002, at $2,029,368, which <br />represents a zero percent in comparison to the 2001 City budget. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2001-71, RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE 2002 FISCAL YEAR IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $2,029.368. <br />