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City Council meeting of January 3, 2000 <br />Page 4 <br />SAC/WAC CHARGES APPEAL (NOR -LAKES) <br />The City received a letter from the Kellison Company, on behalf of Nor -Lakes Midwest Services, Inc., <br />appealing the SAC and WAC charges made by the City against Nor -Lakes' new building. Nor -Lakes <br />and the Kellison Company feel the SAC and WAC charges are excessive in comparison to other <br />communities in the metro area. The City's Finance Director provided a memo explaining how the <br />charges were determined. Staff recommended denial of the appeal as the charges have been in place for <br />seven years, and the City has uniformly and consistently charged such fees against every commercial, <br />industrial, and residential development that has occurred in the community during that time. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, directing the City Engineer to investigate the following and <br />report his findings to the Council: 1) cost of infrastructure in Bald Eagle Industrial Park; 2) determine <br />how other communities finance their infrastructure; 3) inquire of any flexibility in SAC determination <br />with Metro Council; and 4) do other communities have a "sliding scale" to pay for infrastructure. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (CSAH8 REALIGNMENT STUDY) <br />The Council considered a letter from the Washington County Department of Transportation Physical <br />Development requesting a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Hugo to prepare a corridor <br />realignment study for CSAH8, between Elmcrest Avenue and Forest Boulevard. The County's <br />estimated cost for this project is $30,000, and they are requesting that the City reimburse the County <br />for 50% of the project's cost, in an amount not to exceed $15,000. Such funding would be available in <br />the City's general engineering account for the year 2000. Dave Mitchell, City Engineer, recommended <br />that he review a Scope of Services prior to approval of the Agreement to determine just what the City <br />would be paying for. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to table action until the City Engineer has an opportunity to <br />review the Scope of Services for this project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ZONING COMPLAINT STATUS REPORT (15989 JEFFREY AVENUE) <br />The City Attorney updated the Council regarding a complaint received by the City that an illegal <br />slaughter operation is being conducted at 15989 Jeffrey Avenue. Attorney Snyder stated that he is <br />ready to file a Summons and Complaint for this zoning complaint. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, authorizing the City Attorney to file a Summons and Complaint <br />for alleged zoning violations at 15989 Jeffrey Avenue, and the document be filed on an expedited <br />calendar. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />