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City Council meeting of November 15, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />the Council their strategic plan for review and approval. The Commission has asked the Council to <br />provide formal acceptance of the strategic plan. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City of Hugo formally accept the Parks' Commission <br />Strategic Plan. <br />Councilman Haas thanked Mr. Rob McRoberts for his assistance in formulating the Plan. <br />SNOWMOBILE DISCUSSION <br />John Udstuen and Brian Bernier addressed the Council regarding snowmobile trails for this winter's <br />season. They have obtained written permission from Craig Wagner to use his property for a trail, and <br />verbal permission from Harry Miller. They will need permission from Vern Peloquin to cross his property <br />to TH61. They have a certificate of insurance, as well as a written endorsement from business owners in <br />the City. They were informed that they will need to provide written permission from Washington County <br />to use the trail, as well as meet all requirements of the City's snowmobile ordinance. <br />EDA DISCUSSION <br />Councilman Haas requested that the Council discuss whether amendments to the City's EDA were <br />needed. The Council agreed that there were individuals within the community who could make a <br />valuable contribution as members of an EDA The Administrator will draft a revised ordinance for <br />Council review. <br />STAFF REVIEWS <br />The Council is requested to schedule a time to discuss staff performance reviews. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux seconded, that the Council meet on December 10, 1999, at 9:00 am to <br />discuss staff performance reviews. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MORATORIUM <br />Councilman Haas had requested an update on the status of the City's efforts to complete work required <br />under its moratorium ordinance. The Administrator advised that the Council will be scheduling a <br />December workshop to discuss potential siting locations for a new well; City staff needs are being <br />considered in conjunction with the City's year 2000 budget; and the Planning Commission has chosen <br />Sanders Wacker Bergly to assist them in reviewing certain development standards. The first meeting <br />between the PC and a representative from the planning firm will be held at the regular PC meeting of <br />November 17, 1999. <br />140TH STREET/RICK'S LIQUOR DRAINAGE <br />The Council considered a request from ECI Building Contractors that the City participate in the <br />