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1998.03.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.03.02 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 2, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION (STORM/CHALUPSKY) <br />Grover and Lorraine Storm, 8047 132nd Street, property owners, and Lloyd Chalupsky, <br />8010 130th Street, property buyer, requested a minor subdivision to divide a 14.1 acre <br />parcel into two lots, one of approximately 10 acres and the other 4.08 acres. The property <br />is zoned RR2. The applicants have requested two variances: 1) variance to the required <br />road frontage for Parcel B to allow approximately 170 ft of public road frontage where <br />300 ft is required; and 2) to allow a 4.08 acre lot where five acres is required. The Hugo <br />Planning Commission considered this request at their meeting of February 25, 1998, and <br />recommended approval of the subdivision conditioned upon the 4.05 acre parcel being <br />increased to a minimum of five acres, and the road frontage of the larger parcel being <br />increased to 220'. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approves the subdivision with <br />variance to road frontage for Parcel B, and lot size for Parcel A, and subject to the <br />parkland dedication fee of $500.00 for the newly -created lot. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE (CENTENNUL YOUTH HOCKEY) <br />The Centennial Youth Hockey Association, P.O. Box 356, Circle Pines, MN., requested a <br />charitable gambling license to conduct lawful gambling activities at the End Zone Bar & <br />Grill, located 13891 Forest Blvd. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Lawful <br />Gambling License and waiver of the 30 -day waiting period, as requested. <br />CONTIIVUED HEARING (FENWAY BLVD/FENWAY AVENUE EUPR) <br />The Hugo City Council conducted a hearing of February 17, 1998 to consider making <br />improvements and related assessments to Fenway Boulevard, from 130th Street to 140th <br />Street, and Fenway Avenue, from 140th Street to 142nd Street. Following comments <br />from adjacent property owners, the Council recessed the public meeting until March 2, <br />1998 to allow the appraiser performing the limited -scope appraisals on the properties to be <br />assessed time to complete the work necessary to determine the maximum assessments <br />allowed by law. The Administrator stated that the west side of Fenway would be <br />assessed. The Bueno property located at the northeast intersection of 140th and Fenway <br />is also eligible for an assessment. Because of the recording error, the City will need to <br />negotiate with the Buenos to obtain an easement from them for the project. The meeting <br />was opened for public discussion. Harley Johnson inquired if he would get credit for his <br />two-year old septic system, and felt that the appraisal amount for his property was too <br />high as his property is located in the 100 -year floodplain and not buildable. He stated his <br />opposition to the project. Debra Johnson felt that 66' was too wide for the proposed <br />road, and she would like someone to explain to her how her property could be subdivided. <br />Scott Montgomery and Spencer Arndt both expressed their desire to have the project <br />move forward enabling them to develop their property. Paul Glamos felt the City should <br />have a uniform assessment policy, and compared this project with proposed improvements <br />in the Peloquin <br />
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