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1998.05.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.05.04 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 4, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />ON -SALE BEER AND CIGARETTE LICENSES (BOBBER'S) <br />Robert McElmury, dba Bobber's Boats and Bait, 4444 129th Street, applied for licenses for <br />on- and off -sale beer and the sale of cigarettes. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />issuance of the licenses, as requested. <br />REQUEST FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEE <br />The City's Maintenance Supervisor, Mike Kriz, requested authorization to advertise for a part- <br />time public works employee, for between $6.50 and $7.50 per hour. This employee would <br />assist with the operation of City sewer and water departments, as well as street, and roads and <br />grounds maintenance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the City advertising for the <br />position. <br />WAGE ADJUSTMENT (MICHELE LINDAU) <br />The City Clerk recently conducted a six-month performance review for Deputy Clerk, Michele <br />Lindau. Based on her performance over the grading period, the Clerk recommended that Ms. <br />Lindau receive a 50 cent per hour raise. Adoption of the Consent Agenda set Ms. Lindau's <br />salary at $9.50/hour. <br />WILSON TOOL PICNIC <br />Wilson Tool, 12912 Farnham Avenue, requested to use the City park on August 8, 1998 for <br />the annual family picnic. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved reserving the park for <br />Wilson Tool on the day requested. <br />ASSESSMENT HEARING (FENWAY BOULEVARD/FENWAY AVENUE) <br />A public hearing was held to consider public comment, objections, and discussion regarding the <br />proposed improvements to Fenway Boulevard and Fenway Avenue, from 130th Street to <br />142nd Street. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, water and sanitary <br />sewer lines, stormwater drainage system, and related facilities. The total amount of the <br />proposed assessments is $1,937,200. The Council heard comments regarding the Fenway <br />Avenue project: <br />1. Rick and Trish Bueno, although not being assessed, objected to the $14,000 appraisal for <br />the taking of their property and objected to the project: decrease in property value, will need <br />to relandscape property, losing trees, road closer to house, noise from traffic, loss of play area <br />for children, and potential for increased drainage problems. <br />2. Spencer Arndt favored the project to allow subdivision of his property. <br />3. Harley Johnson, Jr., opposed the project because he felt he could not subdivide his property, <br />and he does not need sewer and water. If road is moved, utilities will have to be removed from <br />his property. <br />
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