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1998.05.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.05.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of May 18, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />FRANCESCA AVENUE PETPI'ION <br />Residents living along Francesca Avenue North, adjacent to the Hugo Elementary School, <br />appeared before the Council to discuss the need for improvements to their road. Mike <br />Kriz, Public Works, had informed the Administrator that the road was beyond simple <br />repair. The City Engineer expressed concern that reconstructing the road could require <br />area -wide stormwater drainage improvements. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing the City Engineer to present a cost <br />estimate for repair of Francesca Avenue to the Council for consideration. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPEAL TO DANGEROUS DOG DESIGNATION <br />Sandra Oman, 14000 Fenway Avenue, appeared before the Council requesting that the <br />City Council reconsider the City Attorney's designation of her dog, Cece, as a potentially <br />dangerous dog under Hugo City Code, Chapter 30. The Council considered the City <br />Attorney's letter designating Ms. Oman's dog as being potentially dangerous, as well as <br />the Initial Complaint Report #98010528 regarding the dog's attack on neighboring <br />children on at least four occasions. Mrs. Oman provided the Council with letters from her <br />children stating that the attack was provoked by the child who was bitten, and a letter <br />from a veterinarian stating that a dog will bite, if provoked. She stated that she was aware <br />of only one other biting incident. Because of the biting pattern documented for the Oman <br />dog named Cece, the following motion was made: <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to uphold the decision of the City Attorney that the <br />dog named Cece owned by Mrs. Sandra Oman, 14000 Fenway, should be considered a <br />potentially dangerous dog, and that the animal should be immediately removed from the <br />City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LAND STEWARDSHIP PROJECT <br />Mr. Michael Pressman of the Land Stewardship Project, 2200 4th Street,. WBL, appeared <br />before the Council to make a presentation on a Green Corridor Project being considered <br />for Chisago County and Washington County. No Council action was needed for this <br />matter. <br />LETTER (KATHY MARIER) <br />Kathy Marier, 14092 Flay Avenue, appeared before the Council to discuss with the <br />Council the need for improvement of recreational facilities within the community. Mrs. <br />Marier suggested that the park adjacent to City Hall be named Hugo Lions Park, and that <br />her girl scout troop would be willing to plant flowers around the sign every year. <br />
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