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City Council Minutes - February 17, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (LETOURNEAU) <br />Mr. Don Letourneau, representing Hugo Liquors, Inc., has applied for an off sale <br />liquor license for 14583 Forest Boulevard (formerly occupied by Nadeau's). This <br />property was granted a Special Use Permit for off sale liquor sales. Mr. <br />Letourneau's application has been reviewed by the Washington County Sheriffs <br />Office, without evidence of any activity that would cause the City to deny Mr. <br />Letourneau the license. In addition, Mr. Letourneau has applied for the <br />appropriate insurance required by City Ordinance, and has applied for the <br />necessary Sales and Use Identification number from the State of Minnesota. <br />Motion made by Goiffon, seconded by Leroux, to approve the liquor license for <br />Hugo Liquors, Inc., subject to approval by the State Liquor Control Commission, <br />as well as proof of the required insurance. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />WATER METER BIDS <br />The City received bids for the replacement of approximately 700 water meters <br />within the community. The intent of this project was to change from the current <br />exterior -read meters to a phone -read system to lower future operational costs, as <br />well as to replace malfunctioning meters. Due to the higher than expected cost of <br />replacing all of the City's meters, Mike Kriz recommended that the City replace <br />the 250 oldest meters in the city and require the new meters be installed for all new <br />construction. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Barnes to approve the purchase of 250 <br />water meters from Sensus, at a cost of $61,250.00, which includes the meter, <br />MIU, software, and installation. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />The Council requested that the City Attorney review the proposals obtained to <br />insure compliance with the State of Minnesota's competitive bidding law. <br />MMCIPAL WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS <br />The City's Maintenance Supervisor Mike Kriz, has recommended that the City <br />consider adding polymers to the municipal water supply in order to help resolve <br />the red water problem being experienced within the community. The additional <br />