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City Council Minutes - February 17, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />chemical would result in an increase of approximately $2.00 per quarter per <br />household in utility cost. <br />Motion made byLeroux, seconded by Goiffon, to approve the addition of <br />phosphates to the municipal water supply at a start up cost of $2,150 for pumps <br />and connections. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS <br />Compilations of performance appraisals recently performed by the Council on the <br />various consultants serving the City were provided to the Council. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Leroux to conduct a workshop on <br />Wednesday, March 5, 1997, 9:OOAM, to discuss the results of the evaluations <br />with the consultants individually. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />The City received a letter from Mr. Jess Roush, President of the Hugo Lions Club, <br />informing the City of the Lions' intent to use the City Hall Park for Good <br />Neighbor Days on June 6-8, 1997. In addition, Mr. Roush requests that the City <br />pay for the extra law enforcement officers required to service the event, as well as <br />upgrade the public restrooms to handle the crowds. This year, the Dead Broke <br />Saddle Club will sponsor a High School Rodeo Association sanctioned rodeo <br />during Good Neighbor Days on the property of the Blacksmith Lounge. Shuttle <br />vehicles will operate between the City Park and the rodeo area increasing the <br />needed traffic control for the weekend. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Goiffon to inform the Hugo Lions Club that <br />the City will pay for additional police costs and restroom maintenance for Hugo <br />Good Neighbor Days, June 6-8, 1997. <br />All aye, motion carried. <br />The City Council also offered the use of the Rice Lake Park for their 1997 and <br />future rodeos. <br />