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City Council meeting of March 3, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />David Schwartz: Mr. Schwartz represented the Vern Peloquin family stating <br />opposition to the project because of their large assessment. <br />Beverly Aplikowski: Questioned whether she could rezone her property if the <br />project goes forward. She stated that she was in favor of the project, but asked <br />that the Council consider the large assessments when making their decision. <br />Walter Stoltzman: Inquired if there were any grants available to assist in paying <br />for the improvements. Questioned whether the City was going to participate in <br />road costs as has been done in the past. Questioned whether City charges (WAC <br />and REC) were included in proposed costs. <br />Glamos Family: Questioned whether a current feasibility study for the project had <br />been done. Felt that assessment was too high for their property. Heard that the <br />City would mandate that they resurface their existing parking surfaces when <br />improvements are completed. Encouraged appraisals of affected properties. <br />Mike Atkinson: Assessment for property was too high. <br />Quent Marier: Felt that his property would not benefit from the assessment <br />because of no road access to the property. <br />Rick Burr: Was in favor of the project. Hoped that the City would pick up a <br />share of the project cost. <br />Dick Mireault: Would like to see sewer extended to his property, but they would <br />be paying for the oversized pipe and not be able to hookup to sanitary sewer. <br />The public hearing was closed for discussion. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, directing the City Administrator and <br />Attorney to prepare Request for Proposals to conduct appraisals of properties <br />affected by the proposed improvements. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY ACQUISITION BII.L <br />The City Attorney informed the Council of a bill he drafted and submitted to the <br />State Legislature for the transfer of 80 acres in Hugo from Washington County to <br />the City. No Council action was required. <br />