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City Council meeting of June 2, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />common it was to construct a pole barn in front of the residence. She was informed that <br />on large lots, it was not unusual to have such a situation. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the variance request of Max and <br />Cheryl Wilson, 14880 Homestead Avenue, to construct a 1,440 sq ft accessory building <br />closer to the front lot line than the principal building. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ALLEGED ORDINANCE VIOLATION OF 17866 FOXHILL AVE. <br />The City received a complaint regarding the junk accumulating at 17866 Foxhill Avenue. <br />The City building official conducted an inspection of the property on September 19, 1996, <br />and discovered numerous unlicensed vehicles, tires, various auto parts, construction <br />materials and equipment, and other miscellaneous debris laying about the property. Mr. <br />Jarosiewicz was notified of the violations, and he was requested to bring his property into <br />compliance by May 2, 1997. An inspection of the site by the City's building official on <br />May 5, 1997, indicated that no progress has been made. Staff recommended that civil <br />action be commenced against Mr. Jarosiewicz in order to bring the property into <br />compliance with City ordinances. Mrs Yvonne Jarosiewicz was present at the meeting, <br />and asked the Council for a 30 -day extension to complete the cleanup. (MAYOR <br />MIRON ARRIVED AT 7:16PM). She also inquired about obtaining a SUP to operate a <br />construction business at the site, and was told to talk to staff during office hours. Because <br />progress is being made in cleaning the property, the following motion was made: <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to grant a 30 -day extension to allow the owners <br />of the property located at 17866 Foxhill Avenue to bring the property into ordinance <br />compliance. Staff is directed to inspect the site and report their findings at the City <br />Council meeting of July 7, 1997. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING REQUEST - KANE <br />Mr. Mike Kane, 709 Southeast 4th St., Forest Lake, Minnesota, requested to rezone <br />approximately two acres of property located in the northeast corner of Highway 61 and <br />Co. Rd. 4, from Agricultural to Limited Business. Mr. Kane intends to use the site for <br />storage of landscaping equipment and offices. The rezoning was considered by the <br />Planning Commission on May 28, 1997, and recommended approval of the rezoning. The <br />Planning Commission stated that this was a consistent use with the surrounding area, was <br />within the scope of the comprehensive plan, and that there was no multiple use on the site. <br />Because the site is not serviced by sewer and water, and it was the opinion of the Council <br />that the proposed use was not the "best" long-range use of the property, the following <br />motion was made: <br />