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City Council meeting of July 7, 1997 <br />Page 4 <br />PARIONG COMPLAINT (130TH STREET NEAR SUNSET LAKE) <br />The Council had previously received a complaint regarding the parking of vehicles and <br />boat trailers at the cul-de-sac on the north end of Homestead Avenue by Sunset Lake. <br />The complaint alleged that parking of vehicles blocked traffic, and were a safety concern. <br />The Council directed the Fire Department to review the situation to determine whether the <br />parking of vehicles on the cul-de-sac would cause a problem for public safety vehicles. A <br />report of the Fire Department's Operations Chief was provided to the Council, <br />recommending that parking not. be allowed on the cul-de-sac as it would block the <br />turnaround and access of fire equipment to homes in the area. Councilman Leroux was <br />concerned that no parking regulations not be used as an effort to privatize the lake. _ <br />Barnes made motion, Johnson seconded, that the City install NO BOAT TRAILER <br />PARKING/TOW AWAY signs on the cul-de-sac located at the north end of Sunset Lake <br />and request.the Sheriffs Dept make a special effort to patrol area and ticket cars with <br />trailers. <br />VOTING AYE: Leroux and Goiffon <br />VOTING NAY: Barnes, Johnson, Miron <br />Motion Failed. <br />Barnes made motion, Johnson seconded, directing the City Engineer to address the Fire <br />Department's comments and return to the City Council with a proposed NO PARKING <br />sign plan. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Johnson, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Leroux and Goiffon <br />Motion Carried. <br />GOLF CART REQUEST (BREVIG) <br />James Brevig, 14120 Hyde Avenue North, requested permission to drive his golf cart on <br />public streets. Mr. Brevig claims to need to use the golf cart due to a disability. The <br />Council denied a similar request by Mr. Brevig on July 17, 1995, citing safety concerns for <br />the use of the golf cart on rural roads with 55 mph speed limits. The City Attorney stated <br />that an ordinance would have to be adopted before the City could allow the use of golf <br />carts on City streets. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to deny James Brevig's request to drive his golf <br />cart on public streets. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />