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City Council meeting of November 3, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />Hugo City Code, Chapter 3204, Subd. C(3), allows beauty shops as a SUP in the ag <br />district, but 320-3B (41) states, "...a home occupation shall not be interpreted to include <br />barber shops, beauty shops, automotive repair, tourist homes, restaurants, or similar uses." <br />For this reason, staff recommended denial of the SUP. Because the applicant is the <br />Mayor's brother, Fran Miron removed himself from discussion of this matter. At present, <br />there are at least two Special Use Permits that have been issued for beauty shops in <br />residences within the City. The Council discussed the conflicting regulations, stating that <br />they would be corrected at the time of adoption of the new zoning ordinance presently <br />being considered by the Planning Commission. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the request of George and Patricia <br />Miron, 8825 170th Street, to operate a beauty shop out of their home. <br />Leroux made motion, Arcand seconded, to amend the previous motion to include that <br />precedent has been set as two other SUP's have been issued by the City for beauty shops <br />in residences, and subject to the following special conditions: <br />1. The business activity conducted in the home shall clearly be incidental to the use of the <br />structure as a dwelling. <br />2. The business activity shall not be conducted in any accessory structure, including a <br />garage, and there shall be no storage of equipment or supplies in any accessory structure <br />or outside the dwelling. <br />3. No external alteration of any building, driveway, fence, or other structure shall be <br />permitted to serve the business or occupation. <br />4. The existence of the home occupation shall not be apparent beyond the boundaries of <br />the site, except a name plate not to exceed one square foot in size affixed directly to a <br />building. <br />5. The business or occupation shall be carried on by members of the family residing in the <br />dwelling plus no more than one non-resident of the dwelling. <br />6. No motor shall be used in the business that exceeds one horse power. <br />7. The business or occupation shall not create any radio or television interference or <br />create noise audible beyond the boundaries of the site. <br />8. No smoke, odor, liquid or solid waste shall be emitted by the business or occupation. <br />9. Not more than one truck of not more than 3/4 ton capacity used in the business or <br />occupation, shall be kept on the site. No semi -trailers shall be allowed. <br />10. A home occupation shall not create pedestrian, automobile, or truck traffic in excess <br />of the normal amount experienced by other homes in the district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />