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City Council meeting of November 3, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />BALD EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK (IN -PROGRESS REVIEW) <br />The City of Hugo has not been able to enter into an agreement for the development of the <br />Jackson property as part of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park expansion project, leaving the <br />City with three options: 1) exercise the City's right of eminent domain and condemn the <br />property, or that part of the property required for the planned extension of public streets <br />and utilities; 2) construct Falcon/Fenway Avenues and relocate 134th Street to the north, <br />avoiding the Jackson property; or 3) not constructing the project at all. Under Options 1 <br />and 2, assessments to the Jackson property may be warranted. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to schedule a special Council meeting for <br />November 10, 1997, Hugo City Hall, at 7:30PK to further discuss improvements for the <br />Bald Eagle Industrial Park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK (IN -PROGRESS REVIEW) <br />Questions have been raised regarding the status of the proposed improvements project for <br />Peloquin Industrial Park, including the extension of sewer and water service to the Park <br />and construction of streets. Staff believes that in order to proceed with this project, the <br />City Council will again need to notice a public hearing for the proposed improvements. <br />Planning workshops for the area have been conducted with the property owners and <br />residents of the area. The results of these workshops are before the Planning Commission <br />for their consideration. The City Administrator outlined two Plans for Council <br />consideration: 1) extend utilities and make assessments, or 2) extend utilities from TH61 <br />to the east in increments. He stated that he will be meeting with the City Engineer to <br />determine if the 2nd option was possible. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that the City delay action on any proposed <br />improvements in the Peloquin Industrial Park until strategic direction for this area's <br />development is adopted by the City. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SNOWMOBILE TRAIL ALONG TH61 <br />As of yet, the Hugo Snowmobile Club has not provided the City an application for the <br />establishment of a snowmobile trail on the Hardwood Creek trail west of TH61, in <br />accordance with requirements with Hugo City Code, Chapter 181.10. It is expected that <br />once adequate snowfall for the operation of snowmobiles is present, snowmobiles will be <br />using this right of way, as they have in the past, with or without Council approval. In <br />addition, it is legal for snowmobiles to operate in the ditch along TH61, immediately <br />adjacent to the Hardwood Creek trail. It is a practical impossibility to differentiate <br />