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City Council meeting of December 1, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />rinks; that noise should not be a problem because of winter months and natural tree <br />border; and the end motel room will be used as a warming house until one can be <br />constructed. He asked that if a fence is required, that the cost be share with the adjoining <br />property owner. Councilmember Barnes had four concerns: 1) alcohol being served <br />outside, 2) alcohol in the motel room possibly annoying adjacent renters, 3) music being <br />piped outside, and 4) possible conflict with commercial/residential uses. Other Council <br />members felt that because of winter months, noise would not be a large factor, and an <br />annual renewal revision would allow further discussion of the need for a fence. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the request of Robert and Adrian <br />Kramarczuk, 13891 Forest Boulevard, to construct two broomball courts on their <br />property subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Applicants obtain approval from the Rice Creek Watershed for the project. <br />2. Lighting of the rinks shall consist of cut-off, shoe -box type lights. <br />3. Broomball events shall be limited to 6:30PM to 9:30PM on weekdays; 10:OOAM to <br />8:OOPM, Saturdays and Sundays. <br />4. No alcohol shall be sold outside of the liquor establishment. <br />5. The broomball operation shall be set up no earlier than December 1 st and removed by <br />March 15th. <br />6. The Special Use Permit shall be renewed annually, in time for the Planning <br />Commission's November meeting date. <br />Councilmember Barnes stated that she will be voting no because the fence issue was not <br />included in the motion. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Goiffon, Leroux Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Debra Barnes <br />Motion Carried. <br />SOUTH ONEKA LAKE DRAINAGE/FLOODPLAIN ISSUES <br />Pete Willenbring of WSB updated the Council on hydrologic issues associated with the <br />project, as well as providing a written report for Council review. There was discussion as <br />to how the City could recoup costs associated with improvements. The City <br />Administrator stated that an ordinance needed to be adopted to collect costs. The City <br />will be meeting with affected property owners again on December 5, 1997, at 9:OOAM to <br />further the project. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, authorizing City staff to negotiate an Agreement <br />with property owners for preparation of the plan to improve the drainage and adjust the <br />flood plain for the area. <br />