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City Council meeting of March 4, 1996 <br />Page _ <br />UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN PLANNING <br />Mr. Fred Hoisington of the Hoisington Koegler Group was present to give <br />the City Council his initial findings from the downtown visioning workshop <br />held on February 27, 1996. The charrette will be held on March 29 and 30, <br />1996 at a location to be determined. <br />FEASIBILITY REDOFT (EELOQUIN INDUS.- IAL PARK. <br />As requested by the City Council, the City Engineer prepared a list of <br />options for the provision of municipal sanitary sewer and water to the <br />Peloquin Industrial Park:. The Council discussed the proposed <br />improvements, and requested staff report on the following: <br />1. Contact NSF' regarding use of their right-of-way for extension of the <br />municipal sewer. <br />2. Obtain more soils information. <br />3. Contact Metro regarding connection by the City to their sewer line. <br />Miron made motion, LaValle seconded, to table further discussion of this <br />matter until Council concerns are addressed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AMENDMENT TO THF ROCK. CRUSHER ORD I NANC:E <br />Mr. Anthony rleekel. , attorney representing Dean and Ruby Atkinson over <br />their Mining Permit, requested the City Council continue its consideration <br />of proposed language revising the ordinance regulating rock crushers in <br />the agricultural district and as they pertain to mining operations. On <br />.January 4, 1996, the City Council took a vote to determine whether to <br />prepare an ordinance revision, and due to a 2-2 tie vote, preparation of <br />such a. revision was not ordered. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to table discussion of this matter <br />!until the Council meeting of April 1, 1996 in order to allow Mr. Gleekel <br />to be present. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />aITF.. '__F"I1.E.FilA ( IRE FALL) <br />The Council considered the Hugo Eire Department:s recommended criteria for <br />selecting a. site for a new Fire Hall. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to conduct a. workshop jointly with <br />the Fire Department. on March 14, 19961 at 9:00 AMr to consider the <br />criteria for selecting a site for a new Fire Hall., as well as the <br />Department's annual report and budget issues. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNCIL MARCH CALENDAR <br />rhe Administrator .informed the Council That they would be meeting Jointly <br />