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City Council meeting of March 18, 1996 <br />Faae 2 <br />The Council was informed that Mr. Deschane had paid double the application <br />fee during the day on March 18. 19969 but that they check had not been <br />deposited and cleared by the bank. <br />LaValle made motion. Leroux seconded, to table further action on this <br />matter to make sure Mr. Deschane's check clears the bank. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SITE FLAN AP'P'ROVAL (INTERSTATE LUMBER) <br />At the Council meeting of March 4, 1996, consideration was given to an <br />application from Interstate Lumber Company for site plan approval to <br />construct an additional building on their property at the intersection of <br />C.R. 8 and T.H. 61. At this meeting, Mr. Mendlik stated that he would <br />remove the trailers from the site should the Council approve the site <br />plan. Council tabled action on this matter pending receipt of a revised <br />site plan, and the City Engineer's review of construction setbacks to <br />insure traffic safety on the adjacent roadways. Mr. Angus stated that he <br />had no concerns with the site plan, as presented. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, <br />Interstate Lumber, 5517 145th Street, <br />retail sales and storage addition to <br />#9), and remodel a 30' x 38' area of <br />into retail sales and administrative <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />to approve the site plan of <br />for construction of a 52' x; 110' <br />their existing millwork shop (Bldg. <br />existing warehouse (Bldgs. #40 & #41) <br />space. <br />ALLEGATION OF LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS <br />The City Attorney received a complaint that an underage person was served <br />alcohol at Ricci's Saloon on March 2, 1996, in violation of the liquor <br />license issued by the City. In a recent, similar occurrence at another <br />establishment, the City Council determined to hold a public hearing to <br />determine if the allegations are true, and what sanctions, if any, are <br />warranted against the establishment. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux; seconded, to table action on this matter until <br />notified by the City Attorney that the criminal case against Ricci's has <br />been decided. The Attorney is to forward a letter to owner(s) of Ricci's <br />Saloon indicating the seriousness of the charges, as well as the City's <br />intent to hold a hearing after the criminal case has been decided. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VISION STATEMENT AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES (DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT) <br />At a previous meeting, the City Council received copies of the Vision <br />Statement and Guiding Principles developed at the downtown visioning <br />workshop conducted by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. <br />