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City Council meeting of April 15, 1996 <br />Page 4 <br />T.H. 61 SPEED LIMIT <br />Previously, the Council was informed that MNDOT had conducted a study of <br />the traffic speeds on T.H. 61 near downtown Hugo, and had indicated that a <br />45 mph may be permitted from approximately 152nd Street south into the <br />downtown area. A letter was recently received from MNDOT stating that, <br />upon review of the Office of Traffic Engineering, such a speed limit <br />reduction will not be approved. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, directing staff to send a letter to <br />MNDOT thanking them for them their assistance and put them on notice that <br />the City is undertaking a downtown redevelopment and the speed limit issue <br />could be addressed again at a future date. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ETHAN AVENUE PRELIMINARY DESIGN <br />Based on the Council's request of April 1, 1996, the City Engineer <br />prepared a cost estimate for preliminary design of Ethan Avenue, 122nd <br />Street, and Everton Avenue south to 120th Street. The intent of the <br />preliminary design is to insure that the street construction in the <br />proposed Oakshore Park Public Improvement Project will align with the <br />eventual improvement of the road along Bald Eagle Lake south to 120th <br />Street. The Engineer also indicated that if the Council is considering <br />ordering the improvements to the Oakshore Park subdivision in 1996, it <br />will be necessary to begin the design of the lakeshore road in the near <br />future. Beginning design of the roadway prior to ordering the improvement <br />project would have the following financial implications: <br />1. If the Oakshore Park project does not proceed for any reason, <br />including delays to the Woods of Bald Eagle project, the $18,000 cost <br />for the roadway design will come from the City's capital improvement <br />fund. Though the design will be useful in the future, there is no <br />immediate method to recover its cost. <br />2. If the Oakshore Park project does proceed, $5,400 of the roadway <br />design cost would be accounted for in the budget of the improvement <br />project. $12,600 of the design cost would be outside of the project's <br />budget as it relates to the streets to the south, but could be <br />included in the bond issue to be let for the project. <br />Jim Merila stated that start of the Woods of Bald Eagle was scheduled for <br />sometime in May, 1996. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, authorizing the City Engineer to <br />proceed with preliminary survey and design work for Ethan Avenue, 122nd <br />Street, and Everton Avenue, south to 120th Street, at an estimated cost of <br />$18.000. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />TIF WORKSHOP <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to schedule a workshop to discuss Tax <br />Increment Financing and Downtown Concepts for one of the following dates: <br />