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Council Minutes - June 3, 1996 <br />Page 7 - <br />MINING _.PERM.I 4' •(ATK I NSON ) <br />Dean and Ruby Atkinson, 1=452 Goodview Avenue, have requested a Mining <br />Permit to mine gravel, and process and recycle material at the site of <br />their gravel pit, located in the SW 1/4 Section 23, T=1N, R21W, in the <br />City of Hugo. Mr. Anthony Gleekel stated that he had been retained by <br />Atkinson's in September of 1995. He stated his clients are simpl <br />for what they had in their 1991 permit, which allowed a. rock crusher and <br />recycling be allowed on site. City Attorney Galler and Mr. Gleekel will <br />work out the language for an agreement to allow the mining permit to be <br />issued. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by LeroUX, to table the Atkinson request <br />for a mining permit Until the council meeting of June 1?, 1996. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />SITE PLAN APPROVAL (NADEAU) <br />Dan Nadeau requested site plan approval for the construction of a grocery <br />market with gas pumps on the southeast corner of C.R. SA and T.H. 61. The <br />1.6 acre parcel is zoned REQ and guided for commercial use. The proposed <br />(27.•=' high) sign exceeds the height requirement which is 225'. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by Goiffon, to approve the Special Use <br />Permit, Site Plan, and Variance requested by Dan Nadeau for construction <br />of a grocery market and gas pumps on the southeast intersection of Highway <br />61 and County Rd. 8A, based on Findings of Fact, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Approval of the project from the RCWD. <br />�. Approval of driveway entrances to T.H. 61 and C.R. BA by the MnDOT and <br />Washington County. <br />3. Sign for site to be considered separately. Site plan approval does <br />not allow installation of a sign. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PCWMO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />The Council considered an amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement between <br />the communities which comprise the BCWMO. The intent of the revised <br />Agreement is to expand the Euthority of the WMO in order to better fulfill <br />its responsibilities. Attorney Galler stated that Oak Park Heights may be <br />filing a petition to establish a district which would replace the BCWMO. <br />Motion made by Miron, seconded by LeroUX, to direct Attorney Galler <br />prepare comments and forward them to the BCWMO. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHOOL SECTION/GOGGINS LAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />The enq_ineer conducting_ the study to resolve the drainaq_e issues in the <br />School Section/Goggins Lake basin has informed the City that on, or after, <br />