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City Council meeting of June 17, 1996 <br />Page i <br />AMENDED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT(WOODSOF BALD__EAGLE; <br />The Grace Development Corporation has requested amendments to the <br />Development Agreement for Woods of Bald Eagle, which was originally <br />approved by the City Council on November moi.►, 1995. Requested changes to <br />the Agreement include Paragraph 4, which more clearly indicates the City's <br />intent that all public improvements will be warranted by the developer for <br />one year, except for drainage improvements, which will be warranted for <br />three years. Paragraph 12A provides the developer 60 days from the date <br />that the Development Agreement is signed to record the final plat. (The <br />approved Development Agreement provides the developer 6C_) days to record <br />the plat from the date the plat received Council approval.) Paragraph 18 <br />increases the number of model homes that building permits may be issued <br />for. The developer has requested this change in order to provide one <br />model home for each of the prospective builders in the development. <br />Paragraphs 1201 and 13A have been modified as a matter of clarification. <br />It was noted that the required Restrictive Covenants for the subdivision <br />have not been submitted to the City. They will be coming forthwith. <br />Councilman Leroux: was concerned that floor pads are in conformance with <br />elevations. <br />LeroUX made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the Development Agreement <br />for the WOODS OF BALD EAGLE subdivision, as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />I NGERSOL.L AVENUE <br />Mr. and Mrs. Wallen were present at the meeting to discuss proposed <br />changes to Ingersoll Avenue that were to be made at the time of the <br />Terrance Young subdivision. The City Engineer stated that he is workinq <br />on the matter, and work should be done within one month. He will also <br />review the placement of mail/paper boxes along the road. <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (R_1_.0 ItAV*'E MEADOWS #4) <br />The Council considered a proposed Development Agreement for Rice Lake <br />Meadows #4. Councilman LaValle asked that because street lights have not <br />been installed in the other Rice Lake Meadows subdivisions, that street <br />lighting be included in this Development Agreement. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Development Aqreement <br />for Rice Lake Meadows #4. as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FINAL PLAT _S_f; I CE ._L_AM;E_ MEADOWS__#4 ) <br />The Council considered the proposed final plat for RLM4. There was <br />discussion regarding locating the bike path alonq OUtlot Aa of Rice Lake <br />Meadows #?, rather than Lot 1. Blcok 2 of Rice Lake Meadows #4. Concerns <br />were the impact on adjacent property and the existinq drainaqe ditch in <br />OUtlot A. <br />