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City Council meeting of November 4, 1996 <br />Page 3 <br />George Indykiewicz, 1920 West Highway 96, New Brighton, MN., has requested <br />a renewal of the Mining Permit on his property in the W 1/2 of the N1/2 of Section <br />17, in the City of Hugo to continue mining black dirt from the property. Staff <br />recommended renewing the permit under the same conditions as the existing <br />Mining Permit. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to renew the Mining Permit for George <br />Indykiewicz until November 1, 1997, subject to the same conditions. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Tun Bever requested time to discuss conditions of the proposed SUP for his <br />property on 7131 132nd Street for use in the sale of flowers, trees, and shrubs and <br />other landscaping products; specifically, Mr. Bever is requesting permission to <br />maintain a display of landscaping rock, block., and other materials on the site. It is <br />not his intent to stockpile an inventory of this material, nor operate the machinery <br />necessary to support the use of such materials on the site. He does wish to be able <br />to show customers those products available. Council member Barnes presented <br />suggested changes to the Permit, and Mr. Bever agreed with her recommendation. <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to amend the previously approved SUP <br />for Tun Bever with Condition #4 to read as follows: Samples of modular block, <br />boulders, brick, rock, fountains, and other ornamental goods may be displayed on <br />site to facilitate the wholesale sales of such landscaping materials. However, there <br />shall be no exterior storage of these items and delivery of these non-agricultural <br />goods shall be direct from the manufacturer to the client. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED FIRE HALL DISCUSSION <br />The Fire Chief, Tun Wisner, addressed the Council with questions that had been <br />posed during the Fire Department's door-to-door campaign promoting the Fire <br />Hall referendum. <br />CONCEPT REVIEW (SMM <br />Mr. Craig Smith requested that the Council review his proposal to subdivide 39 <br />acres into six residential lots by use of cluster development. The property is <br />