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F-I:ty Goonnil mopting of January 17, 1995 <br />Page 2 <br />County Recorder within 120 days of plat approval or such approval shall W <br />void. Chapter 290-6, Subd. M(=) states, "Any time specified in this <br />ordinance for action by the subdivider may not be extended." Staff <br />recommended denial of the request. <br />Mi.ron made motion, Leroux seconded, to deny the request of Builders <br />Management Services, Inc., for an extension of the time allowed for filing <br />the final plat known at ONEKA ESTATES. Denial is based on Chapter 290-6, <br />Subd. L('), which prohibits any extension of time deadlines. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goi. f f on , Leroux, , Mi ron <br />ABSTAINED: LaVall.e <br />Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO PLACE SIGN ON CITY PROPERTY <br />Shepherd of the Fields Lutheran Church has requested permission to <br />construct a sign on City road easement along the north side of 148t.hi <br />Street, east of T.H. 61. A memo outlining the .issues surrounding this <br />request, and the City Administrator's recommendation, were provided to the <br />Council for their review. Engineer Dresel stated that the church could <br />possible construct a directional sign according to State Standards. Their <br />other option would be to apply for a Special. Use Permit to const:.ruct an <br />advertising sign on private property. <br />M.iron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing staff to wark with the <br />church in their -effort to have an advertising/directional sign placed on <br />Highway 61. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO PUBLIC UTILITIES <br />Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lutz, 6022 Egg Lake Road, requested that the City <br />extend sanitary sewer and public water services to their property during <br />the reconstruction of County Road SA this year. Staff requested authority <br />for the City Engineer to develop a cost -estimate for such improvements to <br />the Lutzs' property. The City will require either an agreement with the <br />Lutzs for them to pay for the work as it is performed, or to waive their <br />right to appeal any assessment levied for this work. <br />LaValle made motion, Goiffon seconded, directing staff to prepare a cost <br />estimate and agreement to have City utilities extended to the Lutz <br />property at. 6022 Egg Lake Road at the time of improvements to County Road <br />BA. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PARKING COMPLAINT (KEYSTONE AVENUE) <br />A resident of Hugo filed a complaint with the City that people parking on <br />County Road 57 (Keystone Avenue) along the eastern edge of South School <br />Section Lake are creating a hazardous situation for traffic along the road <br />and damaging the shoulder of the road. <br />