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City Council meeting of March b, 1995 <br />Page 3 <br />request permission to meet at the BESA site to experience the sound from a <br />black powder rifle. <br />Leroux made made motion, Goiffon seconded, approving the Planning <br />Commission's request to participate in a onetime demonstration of black <br />powder rifles at the BESA site. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux: made motion, Goiffon seconded, to table the following until after <br />the Council has received the PC's report on the black powder test: <br />1. To allow for construction of a 28' x: 32' addition to an existing <br />building on site to be used for equipment storage and the removal of <br />three trailers from the site. <br />2. To allow changing the date of the DCM shoot from one day in October to <br />an additional day in September. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MCGOVERN SETTLEMENT <br />The City Attorney requested authority to settle the City's case against <br />Mr. Sean Patrick McGovern regarding the City's claim against an SIO Blazer <br />owned by Mr. McGovern, which was impounded due to numerous DWI offenses. <br />The settlement calls for Mr. McGovern to pay the City $1,2(--)0 and plead <br />guilty to his most recent DWI offense, which would probably result in Mr. <br />McGovern's spending one year in jail. In return, the City will return the <br />vehicle to Mr. McGovern. The money being paid to the City by Mr. McGovern <br />will cover the City's legal expenses in this matter, as well as the <br />vehicle storage bill currently outstanding from Granger's Inc. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing the City Attorney to settle <br />the McGovern case as outlined above. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HUGO FD RETIREMENT (NELSON <br />Mr. Mike Nelson retired from the Hugo Volunteer FD on February 19, 1993. <br />Based on information provided by the then secretary of the Hugo Fire <br />Relief Association, Mr. Nelson was credited with 10 years of service. <br />Review of Mr. Nelson's records by the new secretary indicates that Mr. <br />Nelson actually had completed only sir, years, 11 months of service with <br />the Department, and the Dept. requests that the City Council adjust Mr. <br />Nelson's retirement to reflect the reduced years of service. The <br />secretary of the Relief Association has contacted Mr. Nelson personally to <br />explain the situation, and Mr. Nelson has been informed of the action to <br />be undertaken by the Council during this meeting. <br />LaValle made motion, Goiffon seconded, to table this matter until the <br />Council meeting of March 20, 1995. <br />