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'-6jrj€j. l fh@@ting of Aori 1 3, 1995 <br />Paae <br />Leroux; made motion, Miron seconded, to endorse the concept of the Flan and <br />direct the developing engineer, Fete Willenbring, to present the Flan to <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District for their review and comment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Willenbrinq also submitted status reports on the elevation of culverts <br />along Hardwood Creek and the Homestead Avenue pond. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux: seconded, that the City Council host a public <br />meeting on May 2, 1995, Hugo City Hall, at 7:30 PM, to facilitate a <br />meeting for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on the various <br />issues associated with the design for the Homestead Avenue pond outfall <br />Study. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPLICATIONS FOR SOLD WASTE HAULERS LICENSE <br />The City received applications from Waste Management of Blaine. 1(.)050 <br />Naples Street NE, and Pierre's DoAll Service, Inc.. 12863 Keller Avenue. <br />HUgo. for licenses to haul solid waste in the community. HUgo City Code. <br />Chapter 120-8. limits the number of licenses that the City may issue to <br />six; (6). Currently, five licenses have been issued by the City. Since <br />the completed application from Waste Management Blaine was submitted on <br />February 28, 1995, and the completed application by Pierre's DoAll Service <br />was submitted on March 16. 1995, staff recommended that the sixth license <br />be issued to Waste Management. If the Council wished to allow a seventh <br />hauler to operate within the City, a hearing would have to be scheduled to <br />amend City ordinance. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, to accept staff's recommendation and <br />issue the City's sixth solid waste hauler's license to Waste Management <br />Blaine. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />There was no recommendation to amend City ordinance to increase the number <br />of City licenses to seven. At this time, Pierre's DoAll Service is not <br />licensed to operate in the City. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUEST <br />Jim Wisner. Chief of the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department, requested that <br />the City Council consider establishing a committee to investigate the need <br />for a new Fire Hall to serve the community. This committee would be made <br />up of serving fire fighters, interested citizens, and perhaps a member of <br />the Council and Planning Commission. <br />Leroux; made motion. Barnes seconded, authorizing the formation of a <br />committee to' investigate the need for a new Fire Hall, and directing City <br />staff to wore with the Fire Chief to establish parameters of the <br />committee. <br />