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City Council meetina of November 6. 1995 <br />Page 4 <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (THOMAS WALSH) <br />Mr. Thomas Walsh, 5635 165th Street, requested a SUP to store and process <br />fire wood at the above address. This matter was considered by the PC on <br />July 26, 1995, and they recommended denial of the SUP. The City Council <br />considered the request on August 7, 1995, and action on the SUP was tabled <br />to provide Mr. Walsh the opportunity to present additional information to <br />the Council; specifically, a more detailed site plan, including a <br />landscaping plan to buffer the proposed use from adjacent residential <br />property, delineation of wetlands, as well as approval by the Hugo Fire <br />Chief of an access route for emergency vehicles to the site. Mr. Walsh <br />had called the City office requesting that this matter be removed from the <br />agenda. Because of the long history of this application, and no <br />cooperation from the applicant, the Council made the following motion: <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to deny the request for a Special Use <br />Permit made by Thomas Walsh, and notify him by certified letter, that he <br />has until June 1, 1996 to remove his wood storage business from the <br />premises. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to amend the motion that a cease and <br />desist letter be sent by certified mail ordering compliance with City <br />ordinances by April 1, 1996. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HUGO SNOWMOBILE CLUB <br />Representatives from several area snowmobile clubs addressed the Council <br />regarding use of the County trail parallel to TH61 within the City of <br />Hugo. The City has previously taken action recommendina that the <br />right-of-way not be used by snowmobiles, and the clubs are now requesting <br />the Council reconsider their action. <br />Miron made motion, Lerou:: seconded, to reconsider previous Council action <br />denying use of the abandoned railroad right-of-way for use by snowmobiles. <br />VOTING AYE: Goiffon, Leroux. Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Barnes and LaValle <br />Motion Carried. <br />Ken Strantz, president of the Hugo Snowmobile Club, stated that <br />snowmobiles would more than like use the trail, and that it would be safer <br />if the trail was posted. He also presented statements from Hugo <br />businesses encouraging use of the trail by snowmobiles. He assured the <br />Council that they would respond to any concerns made to them by the City. <br />Mayor Miron directed staff to contact the County regarding their lona-term <br />policy for the trail's use, as well as the City of Forest Lake and Forest <br />Lake Township regarding conditions placed on trail use in their <br />communities. <br />