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City Council meeting of December 4. 1995 <br />Page _ <br />1. The City's purchase of the OSP homeowners' parkland. <br />2. The allocation of costs for the public improvements to the <br />subdivision. <br />3. The possibility of reducing the SAC. WAC, and REC charges made <br />when homes hook up to public utilities. They have proposed a <br />meeting be held prior to the public hearing for the improvements <br />scheduled for January 8, 1996. <br />LeroUX made motion, Goiffon seconded, to schedule a special City Council <br />meeting for December 27, 1995, at 7:30 PM, to discuss issues regarding <br />improvements in the Oakshore Park. subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ELMCREST AVENUE STOP SIGNS <br />At the request of an adjacent property owner, the City of Hugo petitioned <br />MNDOT to conduct a speed study of Elmcrest Avenue, between 129th Street <br />and CR S. As a result of the study, speeds were reduced on this stretch <br />of road. MNDOT also recommended that the City place STOP signs at the <br />intersection of Elmcrest Avenue and Cedar St. The City Engineer has <br />reviewed this situation, and recommended placement of STOP signs at <br />Elmcrest and Cedar Street. <br />Mir -on made motion, Leroux seconded, directing City staff to have STOP <br />signs installed for south bound traffic on Elmcrest Avenue at the <br />intersection of 129th Street and at Cedar Street. "Stop Ahead" signs <br />should also be placed 5(--)(-) feet prior to the STOP signs at each <br />intersection. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPOINTMENTS TO HARDWOOD CREEK. TRAIL COMMITTEE <br />The County's public works department requested that the City of Hugo <br />appoint three members to a committee to evaluate the findings and <br />recommendations of the development plan for the Hardwood Creek Trail <br />(abandoned BN Railroad right-of-way). <br />Lerou:: made motion, Goiffon seconded, to appoint Council members Debra <br />Barnes and Fran Miron, as well as Planning Commissioner, David Schumann, <br />to the Hardwood Creek Trail Committee. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS <br />The City Council will need to appoint two Planning Commission members in <br />January, 1996. One appointment will be for a one-year period to replace <br />Tammy Miltz-Miller, who resigned. The second position is to fill the seat <br />currently held by Ken Rubenzer, which expires 12-31-95. Mr. Rubenzer has <br />indicated an interest in continuing to serve on the Planning Commission. <br />The City has also advertised the vacancies and received two applications. <br />