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1994.01.24 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1994 CC Minutes
1994.01.24 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of January 24, 1994 <br />Page _ <br />WALLER DRAINAGE COMPLAINT" <br />The City has attempted to reach a suitable resolution to the Wallers' <br />concerns reqarding increased water drainage from the Evergreen Halls <br />subdivision. At the Council meeting of December S, 1993, staff presented <br />the Council with a report on the circumstances surrounding the Wallers' <br />complaint and options for its resolution. At that meeting, the Wallers <br />expressed an interest in redirecting the flow of water from a large pond <br />on Homestead Avenue across the northern section of the Wallers' property. <br />This request was researched by the City Engineer, and determined not to be <br />satisfactory by either the City or the Wallers. Staff felt that <br />additional information is not required to make a determination on the <br />Wallers' complaint. It was the Administrator's recommendation that the <br />Council send a letter to the Wallers stating_ that no further action will <br />be taken on their complaint. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, that a letter be sent to the Waller <br />family stating that no further action will be taken on their drainage <br />complaint. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />STOLTZMAN AGREEMENT <br />Based on discussions at the last Council meeting, and continued <br />negotiations, an amended draft Agreement for the Stoltzmans was prepared <br />for Council review. Walter L. Stoltzman read from a prepared letter <br />stating that his family was withdrawing their application for a Special <br />Use Permit. Mrs. Laura Stoltzman also addressed the Council reading from <br />a prepared statement. <br />LeroUX made motion, Miron seconded, that the City Council accepts the <br />three options, as prepared by the City Attorney, to resolve the Stoltzman <br />matter, and that they be forwarded to the Stoltzman family, or its <br />representative, given them the option to accept or reject all three <br />options. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Brunotte, Leroux, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Stoltzman <br />Motion Carried. <br />AMENDED TRUST DECLARATION RESOLUTION t4M FUND <br />The 4M Fund, a Joint Powers Trust created under the auspices of the League <br />of Minnesota Cities, requested that the City adopt a resolution <br />authorizing a change to the Trust Agreement, which would allow the 4M Fund <br />to make investments for their money-market fund in excess of one year. <br />The change would not have an impact on the City's investment, and would <br />allow the Fund to seek improved return on investment in the money-market <br />funds given current low, short-term interest rates. Staff had no <br />objection to the change in Trust, and recommended approval of the <br />resolution. <br />
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