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Cit-;: Cour'ici 1 meeting of June 20. 1994 <br />Page _ <br />Miron made motion. Stoltzman seconded, approving the Agreement between the <br />City of Hugo and Bergman Companies for crack filling of certain City <br />roads. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LAKE AIR ESTATES DRAINAGE CORRECTION RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Engineer reviewed the report prepared by TKI'DA, as well as <br />information from Howard Kuusisto, regarding the correction of drainage <br />problems in the area of the Lake Air Estates subdivision. Mr. Dresel <br />reviewed his recommendation with the Council. Mr. DeYoung, a resident of <br />Lake Air Estates, suggested that the Council survey residents about how <br />they would like to have the problem resolved. <br />Miron made motion, directing staff to send notices to residents, impacted <br />by the proposed drainage improvement in the area of Lake Air Estates, of <br />an informational meeting for the purpose of answering questions regarding <br />the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RICE LAKE PARK LEASE <br />The New Heights Charter School of Stillwater, MN., submitted an offer for <br />the lease of the Rice Lake Park building for a one-year period. The <br />school would use the site for an environmental learning program. The City <br />Administrator's analysis of the lease proposal was provided to the Council <br />for their review. Dick Houde, President of the Charter School, addressed <br />the Council explaining the school's curriculum, and answered Council <br />questions. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve a one-year lease for use of <br />the Rice Lake Park building by the New Heights Charter School, subject to <br />the development of an acceptable lease contract under the following <br />conditions: <br />1. <br />The lease shall <br />be for a one-year period, and any <br />extension of the <br />lease be subject <br />to negotiation. <br />2. <br />The building and <br />facility is leased to the school <br />in an "as is" <br />condition. The <br />City makes no warranty, specified <br />or implies, for use <br />of the facility <br />in any manner by the school. <br />3. <br />Any improvements <br />required to the building for use <br />by the school be <br />done solely at the <br />school's expense, and only with <br />the approval of the <br />Hugo City Council. <br />4. <br />Joint use of the <br />facility be specifically spelled <br />out to include the <br />City's authority <br />to use the building for meetings, <br />storage, and <br />elections. <br />:. Some space in the building be specifically set aside for use by the <br />City for storage. <br />6. Any future lease of the facility to New Heights Charter School be <br />subject to determination of full value, based on the school's actual <br />use of the property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />