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City Council meeting of November 7, 1994 <br />in the NW quadrant of 170th Street and Trunk Highway 61 for use as a <br />meeting location for the club. This facility is also currently being uses <br />by a Boy Scout Troop for their meetings. Staff recommended approval of <br />the request subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The City of Hugo assumes no responsibility for Use of the building by <br />the Hugo Horseshoes 4H Club. The Club provide the City with a <br />statement holding the City harmless for the Club's Use of the <br />facility. <br />2. The Club coordinate their meetings and activities with the boy scouts <br />to avoid any conflict in use of the building. <br />3. The Hugo Horseshoes 4H Club clean and organize the building following <br />each use. <br />4. Any proposed changes or improvements in the building, desired by the <br />4H Club, be approved in advance by the Hugo City Council. <br />Miron made motion. Barnes seconded, directing the City Attorney to draft <br />an agreement that could be signed by all groups using the facility. City <br />staff to review the facilities in an effort to work with Washington County <br />to see if there are funds available for improvements to the building as a <br />result of the proposed improvements to the Burlington Northern <br />right-of-way. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HOMESTEAD DIKE AND DRAINAGE EF•`4SEMFNT ( BREV I G)_ <br />,James Brevig, 14120 Hyde Avenue North, address the Council regarding the <br />outlet from the pond on Homestead Avenue near his home, as well as a 15' <br />wide drainage easement extending across his property to the west from Hyde <br />Avenue. The City was not interested in obtaining a public easement for <br />access to the pond, but rather have the easement granted to a homeowner's <br />association. <br />Miron made motion. Barnes seconded, <br />with the DNR in settinq water levels <br />operating plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />directing staff to commence working <br />for the pond and establish an <br />ENCROACH IN SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (DARRELL GRANGER <br />Darrell Granger, 61 Stop, is proposing construction of office space on the <br />City's existing sanitary sewer easement. The Council reviewed an easement <br />and agreement for this project. <br />Barnes made mot•.ion, Miron seconded. to approve the Grant of Easement <br />between the City of Huqo and Granger's, Inc., as drafted by the City <br />Attorney. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LETTER OF AGREEMENT (CLEARWATER CREEK: DRAINAGE STUDY) <br />The Council considered a Letter of Agreement between the City of Hugo and <br />the City of Lino Lakes regarding cost sharing for a drainage study of the <br />Clearwater Creek. basin. <br />