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U-1 t . C,fcjuf gi l mweting of November 21, 1994 <br />Page 2 <br />addition, the application indicates plans for future expansion on the <br />site. The property is zoned commercial business. Staff review indicates <br />that the proposed improvements meet the requirements of the City Zoning <br />Ordinance and the Special Use Permit existing for the site. The Planning <br />Commission considered this request at their meeting of November 16, 1994, <br />and recommended approval. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the site plan for J.R. <br />Johnson Supply, 4860 Frenchman Road, to make improvements to their <br />commercial greenhouse, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Site plan approval is for production and wholesaling operations only. <br />2. The site plan only pertains to the existing two, 14' greenhouses in <br />use on the property, the 'four proposed ?C_)' X 96' greenhoUses, and the <br />17.5' X 72' connecting b.cildinca. Future improvements to the property <br />require an amended site plan. <br />3. The conditions of site plan approval established on December 4, 1989, <br />shall remain in full for( --:e or-, the property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SUED I V I S I ONEi IRR.) <br />Mr. Rick Durr, 15874 F=orest Blvd., requested, on behalf of Ske.igas, Inc., <br />to subdivide 2.4 acres of property owned by Ske'lgas in the southeast <br />corner of TrunL:: Highway 6.1 and 165th St. into two 1.2 acre parcels. 'The <br />property is zoned RR, and is described as part of the NE 1/4 of Section <br />17, T.34.1N, R21W. It is Mr. Burr's intention to combine the north parcel <br />being created with his adjacent property at the above address. The <br />Planning Commission considered this request at their meeting of November <br />16.1994, and recommended approval. <br />Miron made motion. Brunotte seconded, to approve the site plan approval <br />request of Rick Burr, 15874 Forest Blvd., to subdivide 2.4 acres into two <br />1.2 acre parcels. Approval is subject to the northerly parcel being <br />combined with Mr. Burr's property in order- to avoid creation of a <br />landlocked parcel. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION (-YOUNG� <br />Terrance and Josephine Young, 17"'96 Ingersoll Ave. North requested a minor <br />subdivision of a 40 acre parcel into two, twenty acre parcels. A variance <br />is required due to the presence of an NSP right-of-way across both <br />proposed parcels reducing the net parcel size to 18.7 acres each, and the <br />desire of Mr. and Mrs. Young to provide the deeded access to the north <br />site instead of public road frontage, as required. Approved septic_ system <br />sites have been identified on both proposed parcels by Washington County. <br />The subdivision has been approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />The Planning Commission considered this request at their meeting of <br />November 16. 1994, and recommended approval. City Engineer, Joel Dresel, <br />stated that there was a site problem from the proposed driveway looking to <br />